Roman (Started c. 2010) is an obsessive a Fighter/Hunter, Unique slayer and fanatical hunter and unique slayer hailing from Explorer residing on the Freedom Isles. He Having been involved in the deaths of many of the unique creatures on Freedom, Roman has established for himself a reputation for hunting and unique slaying. Roman is officially credited for dealing as the slayer who delivered the final blow which killed killing the Goblin Leader of Deliverance. Skillwise, Roman is a multi-talented, self-sufficient fighter/crafter who is also a Level 9 Path with [[Player:Wossoo|Wossoo]] and Red Dragon of Love follower. Regarding allegiance, Roman is not affiliated Independence with any major kingdom group or group of players. He wishes to make it clear that he is only interested in participating in events organised by groups or players of renown. Roman has not officially responded to any of the invitations he has received to join JK, BL or MR groups on Chaos. As a testament to his slaying experience, Roman appeared in a screenshot that was published in UK's PCGamer Magazine. The picture was taken at the very first avatar slaying in Wurm[[Player:PTO|PTO]] and [[Player:Ashyja|Ashyja]].