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732 bytes removed, 15:12, 22 February 2013
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Roman (Started c. 2010) is a player originally hailing from the Grand Steppe in North East Independence, he was the deed owner of [[Mongolia|Mongolia]] (Not to be confused with Mongols on epic) and had also resided in [[Frontier|Frontier]], the former prison of the Troll King and the largest deed on Freedom. By late 2011 and early 2012, as the new servers were opening; wanderlust had driven Roman to travel across all of the Freedom Isles in search of adventure. During his who frequently travels, he gained between servers and is a reputation for hunting and attended many regular attendee of unique slayings. Over time, several unfortunate incidents had become a bane and despair of justice upon Roman and changed his opinion of some groups of Freedom Players and ex-wild veterans. Traveling along the path of duty and righteousness, he has since taken up arms and fights for the Empire of Mol-Rehan.
=== Empire of Mol Rehan (January 2013 - Current) ===
On January 5th 2013, Roman officially entered into the service of Kratos, a fortress settlement within the Empire of Mol-Rehan, serving the kingdom against all of its enemies. He was has been involved in the sacking of Thorin's Gate as well other countless border incidents, skirmishes engagements and raids sieges against Jenn-Kellonand other minor factions.


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