== Placement ==
[[Image:Trader1.jpg|left|thumb|200px|A merchantTrader Window]][[Image:Trader2.jpg|left|thumb|200px|A merchantTrader Window]][[Image:Trader3.jpg|left|thumb|200px|A merchantTrader Window]]
Trader is placed by using a [[trader contract]], which can be purchased from other traders at a cost of 50s. A new trader must be placed at a minimum distance of 63 tiles away from other traders. Trader must be placed inside a [[House (general)|building]] (not a [[market stall]] like [[Personal Merchant]]s can), but stays functional even if the building disappears. Trader cannot be moved after it has been placed. If you own the writ to the building the trader is in and bring that building on-[[deed]] (for example by resizing the deed), the trader will automatically become a citizen of your settlement. If you disband your deed for any reason the trader will vanish unless you first manage citizens and remove the trader as a citizen. Non-citizen traders to not benefit your deed upkeep. You can not place a new trader on your deed with an old trader nearby. Resizing a deed does not remove a trader from a deed.