On January 5th 2013, Roman officially entered into the service of the Empire of Mol Rehan, serving the kingdom against all of its enemies. He has been involved in countless engagements and sieges against Jenn Kellon and other minor factions.
* The settlement of The League Of Gentlemen has just been disbanded by Norad. (March 31st, 2013)
=== May 4th 2013 - JK Coastline ===
May 4th marked the day in which up to 20 MR fighters embarked on a journey to Northern Chaos. The target was any and every JK deed they'd come across.
The first hit was on Gestalt (Formerly known as Capsalot). Gestalt is a fortified hilltop deed with double-walls located only 2mins ride from the JK Capital, Kyara.
Within 40 minutes, Gestalt had been broken into, drained and looted.
With Gestalt out of the way, the MR forces progressed further west along the coast, deeper into JK territory when they encountered Vandle in local who was at a deed (Trididell) previously unknown to MR. According to intel, Trididell was a JK deed belonging to a 'friend' of MR, Aramisii. Aramisii has had previous run-ins with MR a few months ago when he was Horde of the Summoned.
While raiding Trididell, several alts from the deed logged in, assuming to be picking up loot and logging off.
When MR forces broke into Trididell and began raiding the deed, the deed owner Jak logged in and started to destroy writs. Confused, MR forces continued to raid and ignored Jak believing that he was aiding us though we were unsure as to who he was.
When Trididell had been drained and looted, MR forces headed home, making 1 quick stop at Rat Point to drain a final JK deed.
All in all, 3 deeds were drained by this force. JK offered no resistance despite being so close to their capital and being prime time for their European players on a weekend.
Vandle, Wtfer and Norad were all spotted in local during this trip but fled or logged off.