The ownership rules for BSB's are somewhat complex. Much There's ownership of the information below is from observationBSB itself, and needs further testing and confirmationownership of the consolidated items inside it.
*If a BSB is dropped (not planted) it's not is "proximity" owned by anyone. When emptiedempty, anyone can pick it up.if the person who dropped it is not close by, and they have pickup rights in it's location (Deed, House, Wilderness) *If a BSB is planted (not dropped) then the person who planted it is the owner"fully" owned. Only they the player who planted it can move or pick it up. *If anyone puts an item into an empty planted a BSB, they now become are the "proximity" ownerof that consolidated item. (Suspected Bug ?)*Others may add additional items to that consolidated item, but the ownership is not changed. *A locked BSB prevents anyone from using the BSBunless they unlock it first.
*It's been reported that empty, locked, planted BSB can be picked up also.