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1 byte added, 14:31, 28 September 2013
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==List of "getting started" tutorials==
*[[Tutorial2New Player Walkthrough]] - Getting started guide (January 2013) *[[The Little Things]] - Beginner's Guide to the basics(September 2013) *[[What Do I Do|Overview IFirst 24 Hours]] - Detailed overview A handheld guide on how to get established in your first 24 hours of important game concepts gameplay(July 2010August 2011)
*[[Tutorial|Overview II]] - Interface and "first steps" (August 2012)
*[[Tutorial3|Overview III]] - Digging, Pottery, and Cooking. (October 2010)
*[[New Player Walkthrough]] - Getting started guide (January 2013) *[[What Do Tutorial2|Overview I Do|First 24 Hours]] - A handheld guide on how to get established in your first 24 hours Detailed overview of gameplayimportant game concepts (August 2011July 2010)
*[[Tips and Advice]] - Help on what to do upon starting the game.(October 2010)
*[[The Little Things]] - Beginner's Guide to the basics(September 2013)
==Specific tutorials==


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