#[09/26/2014][19:06] You have just received the title 'Platesmith'!
#[10/13/2014][09:42] You have just received the title 'Ambassador of Lomaner'!
#[02/18/2015][21:22] You have just received the title 'Greenthumbs'!
#[02/25/2015][18:44] You have just received the title 'Gardener'!
#[03/14/2015][18:49] You have just received the title 'Baron of Lomaner'!
#[08/11/2015][19:12] You have just received the title 'Jarl of Lomaner'!
#[08/25/2015][23:15] You have just received the title 'Renowned Platesmith'!
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