*Females will not breed while they are pregnant. Once the female gives birth, she will not be in mood for breeding for 24 real hours.
*Animals do not have to be "fat" to breed, only "no longer interested in food" (when trying to feed them). Grass eaters will typically be in this state after a minute or 2 on grass or crops.
*[[Age]] is a factor in breeding: Juvenile animal types ([[calves]] or , [[foal]]s , [[lamb]]s) will not breed, neither will young/early adolescent animals. (Horses will breed at 25 rl days old -Harvest)
*Pregnancy times varies from 5-11 wurm [[Time|weeks]], regardless of species.
*Examining the animal will show the remaining wurm weeks left until birth. eg. ''She will deliver in about 4''. One Wurm week is about 21 RL hours.