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m (→‎Skill titles: linking)
Line 159: Line 159:
| Greenthumbs || Gardener || Jiko Enkai Zenji ||   
| Greenthumbs || Gardener || Jiko Enkai Zenji ||   
| [[Hammers]]
| [[Skill:Hammers|Hammers]]
| Hammerer|| Assaulter || ||  
| Hammerer|| Assaulter || ||  

Revision as of 12:36, 22 June 2017


Titles are earned when a player reaches certain skill milestones. When a title is used players of the same kingdom can see the title in use by that player when hovering the mouse over the player. For a player to see their own title they should hover over their healthbar.

Chat commands:

  • /title: displays the title currently in use
  • /titles: gives the option to select an active title from those available

Known titles

There are no titles for Favor nor Alignment.

Characteristic titles

Skill 50 Title 70 Title 90 Title
Body Athlete Body Builder
Body control No Title
Body stamina No Title
Body strength No Title
Mind Thinker Scholar
Mind logic No Title No Title
Mind speed No Title
Soul Spiritualist Visionary
Soul strength No Title
Soul depth Soulman No Title

Skill titles

Skill 50 Title 70 Title 90 Title 100 Title
Alchemy Alchemist
Animal husbandry Drover Granger Rancher
Archery Archer Hawk Eye Eagle Eye
Armour smithing Armoursmith Renowned Armorer Master Armourer
Axes Axeman/woman Berserker Fleshrender
Baking Boulanger Bakesale Confissier
Beverages Bartender Party Animal Sommelier
Blacksmithing Blacksmith Renowned Blacksmith Master Blacksmith
Botanizing Herbalist Botanist Loremaster
Bowyery Bowmaker Able bowmaker Master bowmaker
Butchering Butcher Der Metzgermeister/Skinner Master Butcher
Carpentry Carpenter Renowned Carpenter Master Carpenter Legendary Architect
Carving knife Stabber Carver Whittler
Catapults Rock Hurler Wall Breaker Eradicator
Chain armour smithing Chainsmith Renowned Chainsmith Master Chainsmith
Channeling Channeler Conduit Casting specialist
Climbing Mountaineer No Title
Cloth tailoring Tailor Dreamweaver Seamster/Seamstress
Clubs Clubber
Coal-making Coaler Renowned Coaler Master Coaler
Cooking Cook Chef Master Chef
Dairy food making Cheesemaker Artisan Cheesemaker
Digging Digger Excavator Land Shaper Earthwurm
Exorcism Exorcist Zealot
Faith Padre/Norn Devout/Mystic Enlightened No Title
Farming Farmer Crofter Master Farmer Pumpkin King
Fighting Soldier Mercenary Knight/Amazon
Fine carpentry Fine Carpenter Renowned Fine Carpenter Mighty Fine Carpenter
Firemaking Pyrotechnic Arsonist Pyromaniac
First aid Quacksalver Medic Surgeon
Fishing Fisherman/woman Angler Kingfisher Hooked on Fishing
Fletching Fletcher Arrowmaker Master Fletcher Quivering with Excitement
Foraging Forager Plant Gatherer
Forestry Forester Arboriculturist Arbophiliac
Gardening Greenthumbs Gardener Jiko Enkai Zenji
Hammers Hammerer Assaulter
Healing Healer
Hot food cooking Caterer Iron chef Saucier Legendary Chef
Jewelry smithing Goldsmith Renowned Goldsmith Midas touch
Knives Knifer Piercer
Leatherworking Tanner High Tanner Master Tanner Mistress of the Hide
Lockpicking Lock Breaker Safe Cracker Vault Shadow
Locksmithing Locksmith Safe Smith Master Locksmith
Masonry Mason High Mason Master Mason
Mauls Mauler Bonker Crusher
Meditating Guru Swami Rama
Metallurgy Smelter Metallurgist Master Metallurgist
Milking Milkman/Milkmaid Milking Machine Cow Whisperer Udder Madness
Milling Miller Grain Expert Master Miller
Mining Miner Prime Minester Mastermine The World is Mine
Miscellaneous items Handyman/woman Tim the Toolman/woman Fixer
Natural substances Apothecarist Transmutator Rainbow Maker
Nature Ecologist Treehugger Druidkin
Paving Roadbuilder Road Engineer Road Warrior
Papyrusmaking Papermaker
Plate armour smithing Platesmith Renowned Platesmith Master Platesmith
Polearms Lancer Phalanx Impaler
Pottery Potter Moulder Master Potter/Terracotta Terror
Praying Reverent Pious
Preaching Preacher
Prospecting Prospector Geologist Goldsniffer
Puppeteering Puppeteer Entertainer Puppetmaster First Jester of Wurm
Religion Spiritual Theological
Repairing Repairman/woman Materia Tamer Master Fixer
Ropemaking Ropemaker Renowned Ropemaker Hangman/woman
Saw I'm Sawry Chainsaw Jigsaw
Shield smithing Shieldsmith Able Shieldsmith Master Shieldsmith
Shields Shieldsman/woman Defender/Defendress Protector
Shipbuilding Harbormaster Shipwright Master Shipwright
Smithing Smith Tinker Master Smith
Stone Cutting Sculptor Artist Michelangelo
Swords Swordsman/woman Duelist Swordsmaster
Tailoring Textiler Needlefriend Velcro Fly
Taming Animal Trainer Beastspeaker Beastmaster
Taunting Annoying Repulsive Loathsome
Thatching Thatcher
Thievery Pilferer Thief Master Thief
Toy making Toymaker Gepetto Master Toymaker
Toys Performer Manipulator
Tracking Tracker Pathfinder Master Pathfinder
Traps It's a Trap!
War machines Destroyer
Weapon smithing Weaponsmith Arms master Master Weaponsmith
Woodcutting Lumberjack Timberman/woman Deforester
Yoyo Trickster Freestyler Wild one

100 Skill(s) are known as legendary titles. Information, and proof of implementation can be found in this thread.

Special titles

Title Requirement
Ageless Get a premium account in the first week of Gold release
Keeper of Truth Pay a premium account for a year in the first week of Gold release
Keeper of Faith This title is given to all whitelighter players that were registered before January 2007
Destroyer of Faith This title is given to all blacklighter players that were registered before January 2007
Champion of Fo Become a champion of Fo
Champion of Libila Become a champion of Libila
Champion of Magranon Become a champion of Magranon
Champion of Vynora Become a champion of Vynora
Champion Emeritus Lose champion status
Dawn of Glory Destroy the Altar of Three or the Bone Altar.
Dragonslayer Attack a dragon before it dies
Giantslayer Attack the forest giant or the kyklops before it dies
Fearless Attack the Goblin leader before it dies
Trollslayer Land a blow to a troll prior to its death (Title awarded upon death)
Warmaid Obtain a battle rank of 1100 as a female character
Warrior Obtain a battle rank of 1100 as a male character
Battlemaster Obtain a battle rank of 1500 as a male character
Battlemaiden Obtain a battle rank of 1500 as a female character
Warlord Obtain a battle rank of 1900 as a male character.
Valkyrie Obtain a battle rank of 1900 as a female character.
Kingslayer Attack the Grand Prince/Chancellor/Emperor/Chief before he/she dies
Renowned Bard Win the Great Wurm Anthem Competition (Zort and IronLion were the winners)
Slayer of champions Kill a champion player
Participant of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event
Bloodhound of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 3 separate times.
Leader of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 5 separate times.
Master of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 10 separate times.
King of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 20 separate times.
Educated Finish the Tutorial on Golden Valley
Rift Defender Attack one of the rift monsters before it dies
Rifter Successfully close a rift. Title is awarded to all players involved.
Clairvoyant Report several bugs
Cavalier Kill ten different aggressive creatures, enter enemy land and gain 80 skill points.
Fallen Cavalier Lose Cavalier status by becoming Hunted. (This title removes Cavalier title)
Winner Win the game by completing all of your personal achievements.

Premium reward titles

Title Requirement
Rider of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 4 months since Dec 2013.
Chieftain of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 7 months since Dec 2013.
Ambassador of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 10 months since Dec 2013.
Baron/Baroness of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 14 months since Dec 2013.
Jarl/Countess of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 18 months since Dec 2013.
Duke/Duchess of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 23 months since Dec 2013.
Provost of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 30 months since Dec 2013.

Kingdom titles


Titles are earned when a player reaches certain skill milestones. When a title is used players of the same kingdom can see the title in use by that player when hovering the mouse over the player. For a player to see their own title they should hover over their healthbar.

Chat commands:

  • /title: displays the title currently in use
  • /titles: gives the option to select an active title from those available

Known titles

There are no titles for Favor nor Alignment.

Characteristic titles

Skill 50 Title 70 Title 90 Title
Body Athlete Body Builder
Body control No Title
Body stamina No Title
Body strength No Title
Mind Thinker Scholar
Mind logic No Title No Title
Mind speed No Title
Soul Spiritualist Visionary
Soul strength No Title
Soul depth Soulman No Title

Skill titles

Skill 50 Title 70 Title 90 Title 100 Title
Alchemy Alchemist
Animal husbandry Drover Granger Rancher
Archery Archer Hawk Eye Eagle Eye
Armour smithing Armoursmith Renowned Armorer Master Armourer
Axes Axeman/woman Berserker Fleshrender
Baking Boulanger Bakesale Confissier
Beverages Bartender Party Animal Sommelier
Blacksmithing Blacksmith Renowned Blacksmith Master Blacksmith
Botanizing Herbalist Botanist Loremaster
Bowyery Bowmaker Able bowmaker Master bowmaker
Butchering Butcher Der Metzgermeister/Skinner Master Butcher
Carpentry Carpenter Renowned Carpenter Master Carpenter Legendary Architect
Carving knife Stabber Carver Whittler
Catapults Rock Hurler Wall Breaker Eradicator
Chain armour smithing Chainsmith Renowned Chainsmith Master Chainsmith
Channeling Channeler Conduit Casting specialist
Climbing Mountaineer No Title
Cloth tailoring Tailor Dreamweaver Seamster/Seamstress
Clubs Clubber
Coal-making Coaler Renowned Coaler Master Coaler
Cooking Cook Chef Master Chef
Dairy food making Cheesemaker Artisan Cheesemaker
Digging Digger Excavator Land Shaper Earthwurm
Exorcism Exorcist Zealot
Faith Padre/Norn Devout/Mystic Enlightened No Title
Farming Farmer Crofter Master Farmer Pumpkin King
Fighting Soldier Mercenary Knight/Amazon
Fine carpentry Fine Carpenter Renowned Fine Carpenter Mighty Fine Carpenter
Firemaking Pyrotechnic Arsonist Pyromaniac
First aid Quacksalver Medic Surgeon
Fishing Fisherman/woman Angler Kingfisher Hooked on Fishing
Fletching Fletcher Arrowmaker Master Fletcher Quivering with Excitement
Foraging Forager Plant Gatherer
Forestry Forester Arboriculturist Arbophiliac
Gardening Greenthumbs Gardener Jiko Enkai Zenji
Hammers Hammerer Assaulter
Healing Healer
Hot food cooking Caterer Iron chef Saucier Legendary Chef
Jewelry smithing Goldsmith Renowned Goldsmith Midas touch
Knives Knifer Piercer
Leatherworking Tanner High Tanner Master Tanner Mistress of the Hide
Lockpicking Lock Breaker Safe Cracker Vault Shadow
Locksmithing Locksmith Safe Smith Master Locksmith
Masonry Mason High Mason Master Mason
Mauls Mauler Bonker Crusher
Meditating Guru Swami Rama
Metallurgy Smelter Metallurgist Master Metallurgist
Milking Milkman/Milkmaid Milking Machine Cow Whisperer Udder Madness
Milling Miller Grain Expert Master Miller
Mining Miner Prime Minester Mastermine The World is Mine
Miscellaneous items Handyman/woman Tim the Toolman/woman Fixer
Natural substances Apothecarist Transmutator Rainbow Maker
Nature Ecologist Treehugger Druidkin
Paving Roadbuilder Road Engineer Road Warrior
Papyrusmaking Papermaker
Plate armour smithing Platesmith Renowned Platesmith Master Platesmith
Polearms Lancer Phalanx Impaler
Pottery Potter Moulder Master Potter/Terracotta Terror
Praying Reverent Pious
Preaching Preacher
Prospecting Prospector Geologist Goldsniffer
Puppeteering Puppeteer Entertainer Puppetmaster First Jester of Wurm
Religion Spiritual Theological
Repairing Repairman/woman Materia Tamer Master Fixer
Ropemaking Ropemaker Renowned Ropemaker Hangman/woman
Saw I'm Sawry Chainsaw Jigsaw
Shield smithing Shieldsmith Able Shieldsmith Master Shieldsmith
Shields Shieldsman/woman Defender/Defendress Protector
Shipbuilding Harbormaster Shipwright Master Shipwright
Smithing Smith Tinker Master Smith
Stone Cutting Sculptor Artist Michelangelo
Swords Swordsman/woman Duelist Swordsmaster
Tailoring Textiler Needlefriend Velcro Fly
Taming Animal Trainer Beastspeaker Beastmaster
Taunting Annoying Repulsive Loathsome
Thatching Thatcher
Thievery Pilferer Thief Master Thief
Toy making Toymaker Gepetto Master Toymaker
Toys Performer Manipulator
Tracking Tracker Pathfinder Master Pathfinder
Traps It's a Trap!
War machines Destroyer
Weapon smithing Weaponsmith Arms master Master Weaponsmith
Woodcutting Lumberjack Timberman/woman Deforester
Yoyo Trickster Freestyler Wild one

100 Skill(s) are known as legendary titles. Information, and proof of implementation can be found in this thread.

Special titles

Title Requirement
Ageless Get a premium account in the first week of Gold release
Keeper of Truth Pay a premium account for a year in the first week of Gold release
Keeper of Faith This title is given to all whitelighter players that were registered before January 2007
Destroyer of Faith This title is given to all blacklighter players that were registered before January 2007
Champion of Fo Become a champion of Fo
Champion of Libila Become a champion of Libila
Champion of Magranon Become a champion of Magranon
Champion of Vynora Become a champion of Vynora
Champion Emeritus Lose champion status
Dawn of Glory Destroy the Altar of Three or the Bone Altar.
Dragonslayer Attack a dragon before it dies
Giantslayer Attack the forest giant or the kyklops before it dies
Fearless Attack the Goblin leader before it dies
Trollslayer Land a blow to a troll prior to its death (Title awarded upon death)
Warmaid Obtain a battle rank of 1100 as a female character
Warrior Obtain a battle rank of 1100 as a male character
Battlemaster Obtain a battle rank of 1500 as a male character
Battlemaiden Obtain a battle rank of 1500 as a female character
Warlord Obtain a battle rank of 1900 as a male character.
Valkyrie Obtain a battle rank of 1900 as a female character.
Kingslayer Attack the Grand Prince/Chancellor/Emperor/Chief before he/she dies
Renowned Bard Win the Great Wurm Anthem Competition (Zort and IronLion were the winners)
Slayer of champions Kill a champion player
Participant of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event
Bloodhound of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 3 separate times.
Leader of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 5 separate times.
Master of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 10 separate times.
King of the Hunt Be part of the winning alliance of a Hunt of the Ancients event 20 separate times.
Educated Finish the Tutorial on Golden Valley
Rift Defender Attack one of the rift monsters before it dies
Rifter Successfully close a rift. Title is awarded to all players involved.
Clairvoyant Report several bugs
Cavalier Kill ten different aggressive creatures, enter enemy land and gain 80 skill points.
Fallen Cavalier Lose Cavalier status by becoming Hunted. (This title removes Cavalier title)
Winner Win the game by completing all of your personal achievements.

Premium reward titles

Title Requirement
Rider of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 4 months since Dec 2013.
Chieftain of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 7 months since Dec 2013.
Ambassador of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 10 months since Dec 2013.
Baron/Baroness of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 14 months since Dec 2013.
Jarl/Countess of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 18 months since Dec 2013.
Duke/Duchess of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 23 months since Dec 2013.
Provost of Lomaner You have been premium a total of 30 months since Dec 2013.

Kingdom titles

Template loop detected: Offices

Titles of Kings

The great (and not so great) kings of Wurm are ranked within the Kingdom History, which can be viewed on any settlement token.

Meditating titles

Each meditation path has a different set of titles.

Level Skill Path of Knowledge Path of Insanity Path of Power Path of Love Path of Hate
0 15 Uninitiated Uninitiated Uninitiated Uninitiated Uninitiated
1 15 Initiate Initiate Initiate Initiate Initiate
2 15 Eager Disturbed Gatherer Nice Ridiculous
3 15 Explorer Crazed Greedy Gentle Envious
4* 15 Sheetfolder Deranged Strong Warm Hateful
5 15 Desertmind Sicko Released Goodhearted Finger
6 20 Observer Mental Unafraid Giving Sheep
7* 30 Bookkeeper Psycho Brave Rock Snake
8 40 Mud-dweller Beast Performer Splendid Shark
9* 50 Thought Eater Maniac Liberator Protector Infection
10 60 Crooked Drooling Force Respectful Swarm
11* 70 Enlightened Gone Vibrant Light Saint Free
12* 80 12th Hierophant 12th Eidolon 12th Sovereign 12th Deva 12th Harbinger
13* 90 13th Hierophant 13th Eidolon 13th Sovereign 13th Deva 13th Harbinger
14 90 14th Hierophant 14th Eidolon 14th Sovereign 14th Deva 14th Harbinger
15 90 15th Hierophant 15th Eidolon 15th Sovereign 15th Deva 15th Harbinger
  • * New bonus available at this level

Staff & Volunteer titles

Role Title
CA Community Assistant
CM Chat Moderator

Forum titles

Forum members

Players without posts have the forum title of 'Settler'. After 10 posts this changes to 'Villager'. After 5000 posts this changes to 'Elder'

Staff & volunteer banners

All staff and volunteers receive a forum banner denoting their position.

Creator1.png Dev1.png SA.png WA.png Pro1.png DPRO.png PRA.png
HGM1.png AHGM1.png AGM1.png GM1.png LCM1.png CM1.png CA1.png
LFM1.png ALFM1.png FM1.png BM1.png WM1.png WA1.png ClientDev.png

Titles of Kings

The great (and not so great) kings of Wurm are ranked within the Kingdom History, which can be viewed on any settlement token.

Meditating titles

Each meditation path has a different set of titles.

Level Skill Path of Knowledge Path of Insanity Path of Power Path of Love Path of Hate
0 15 Uninitiated Uninitiated Uninitiated Uninitiated Uninitiated
1 15 Initiate Initiate Initiate Initiate Initiate
2 15 Eager Disturbed Gatherer Nice Ridiculous
3 15 Explorer Crazed Greedy Gentle Envious
4* 15 Sheetfolder Deranged Strong Warm Hateful
5 15 Desertmind Sicko Released Goodhearted Finger
6 20 Observer Mental Unafraid Giving Sheep
7* 30 Bookkeeper Psycho Brave Rock Snake
8 40 Mud-dweller Beast Performer Splendid Shark
9* 50 Thought Eater Maniac Liberator Protector Infection
10 60 Crooked Drooling Force Respectful Swarm
11* 70 Enlightened Gone Vibrant Light Saint Free
12* 80 12th Hierophant 12th Eidolon 12th Sovereign 12th Deva 12th Harbinger
13* 90 13th Hierophant 13th Eidolon 13th Sovereign 13th Deva 13th Harbinger
14 90 14th Hierophant 14th Eidolon 14th Sovereign 14th Deva 14th Harbinger
15 90 15th Hierophant 15th Eidolon 15th Sovereign 15th Deva 15th Harbinger
  • * New bonus available at this level

Staff & Volunteer titles

Role Title
CA Community Assistant
CM Chat Moderator

Forum titles

Forum members

Players without posts have the forum title of 'Settler'. After 10 posts this changes to 'Villager'. After 5000 posts this changes to 'Elder'

Staff & volunteer banners

All staff and volunteers receive a forum banner denoting their position.

Creator1.png Dev1.png SA.png WA.png Pro1.png DPRO.png PRA.png
HGM1.png AHGM1.png AGM1.png GM1.png LCM1.png CM1.png CA1.png
LFM1.png ALFM1.png FM1.png BM1.png WM1.png WA1.png ClientDev.png