Mind Stealer may also be cast on arrows. When cast on arrows, skill is transferred on successful hits rather than kills.
Mind Stealer requires 120 favor to cast, and therefore requires [[linking]] of multiple priests or possessing a special [[Kingdom Title#Offices|kingdom title]] on Chaos or Epic. The titles of Royal Priest (JK) , Religious Advisor (MR), and Seer (HOTS) allow for half-favor casting.
This spell is stackable with [[Aura of Shared Pain]], [[Blessings_of_the_dark|Blessings of the Dark]], [[Circle_of_cunning|Circle of Cunning]], [[Flaming aura]], [[Frostbrand]], [[Life_transfer|Life Transfer]], [[Nimbleness]], [[Rotten Touch]], [[Venom]], [[Wind of Ages]], and [[Demise_spells|Demise spells]].