== Notes ==
*Deity Spell Casting permission is needed for use on deed.
* If a mayor or deed citizen with proper permissions is applying the fluid on-deed, the formula to calculate the required amount of fluid to change one tile is (material quantity * liquid ql) / 67 whereas if the resulting number is greater than 100, there is sufficient fluid for a 100% tile changeover. If the tile needing conversion is off-deed, the "67" in this formula should then be replaced with "100" in order to calculate the proper amount needed. Wiki-thanks to Goldfever for formulae.
* It is also worth noting that if using multiple batches of transmutation fluid, all "fractions" are lost, which may result in the tile only going to 99% changeover. Further use of fluid on the tile would then be needed in order for it to be 100% converted to the tile type of choice. Terraforming of the tile before it is fully converted will reset the conversion back to 0%.