'''Lead Forum Moderator''' (LFM) - (FM applications, complaints, and grievances)
* FirestarterPandalet
'''Asst. Lead Forum Moderator''' (LFM) - (Extensive case handling, stands in when LFM is unavailable)
* PandaletShakys
'''Board Moderator''' (BM) - (General moderation for all public boards)
* DemonaNightshade* Gawain* Mrjonnyboy
* [[User:Snoo|Sn00]]
'''Forum Moderator''' (FM) - (Specialized moderation for all public boards)
* Shakys
* Yldrania
== Community Assistants ==
The Community Assistants (CAs) are players who volunteer to spread their knowledge and advice to new players, primarily through the CA Help channel. The names of available CAs are listed in the box to the right of the CA Chat channel, and they use blue text so that their answers are more visible.