The console is a window for entering text commands to the client. It can be opened using F1 in the default key bindings. Console commands are small different from [[chat commands to use ]], which are typed in the console, chat and sent directly to change settingsthe server.
These == List of commands can also be used in [[Client Key Bindings|autorun.txt for defining key bindings]].==
== List of Console commands ==are small commands to use in the console, to change settings. These commands can also be used in [[Client Key Bindings|autorun.txt for defining key bindings]].
; bind <key> <action> : Binds the key to the specified action. In other words, pressing the key will act as if you typed the action into the console.
; ircsay <text> : Sends the text to the topmost IRC window.
; quit : Opens the quit dialog
; say <text> : Sends the specified text to the currently selected chat window.
; screenshot : Creates a screenshot (in the screenshot folder)
; sensitivity <0-10> : Changes mouse sensitivity to the given value