* [Chainsmith] ''Recieved on July 20th 2008''<br>
* [Master Shieldsmith] ''Recieved on August 9th 2008''<br>
* [Archer] ''Dont know the date for this one''<br>* [Tim the Toolman] ''Recieved on on 12th September 2008 (When it was added)''<br>Note: These are just the titles i choose to reveal. I do have more that are not on this list, 8 of which are fight related hence not wanting to reveal them :)
'''Character: Elamor'''
* [Able Shieldsmith] ''Recieved on on 4th July 2008''<br>
* [Trollslayer] ''Recieved on on 41th August 2008''<br>
* [Iron Chef] ''Recieved on on 12th September 2008 (When it was added)''<br>
* [Conduit] ''Recieved on on 12th September 2008 (When it was added)''<br>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Australian Dates