I've been away from Wurm for over a yearm currently homesteading north of [[Newtown|NT]], between two lakes, since the last Christmas east of Gold 1 and a large [[Steppe_Tile|steppe]] area I call the introduction of brass telescopes[[Cedar Hills Monastery]].
I'm currently homesteading north of [[Newtown|NT]], between two lakes, north-east of a large [[Steppe_Tile|steppe]] area, and building a new road in from the [[Phoenix_Enterprises|PE]] North-South highway. After a few months' hiatus, I've returned once more and am rebuilding. I'm also [http://maluraqwurming.blogspot.com/ blogging] the experience. ==Titles==
*'''[[Keeper of Faith]]'''
**Received with Gold 2
**Received September 9th 29:10 EST
== Directions History ==# Take the PE highway north I was away from NT# Turn right at the top of the hill where the 3 lane highway goes east/west# Turn north (left) after 200m toward [[Trinity]]# Turn left into Trinity (presently disbanded) and there's Wurm for over a west-bound highway up year, since the hill on the north side last Christmas of town.# Follow that road to [[Rufflehome]] Gold 1 and turn right. # Past the mine, over the hill, and after being forced to turn left is [[Cedar Hill Monastery]]. == Map ==I try to maintain a map introduction of the area near where I live, sorry for any inaccuracies. http://mikebabcock.ca/gaming/images/mapdetail_41x27-48x34_maluraq_20080916_02brass telescopes.png
Special thanks to [After a few months' hiatus, I've returned once more in the early months of 2009 and am rebuilding. I'm also [Playerhttp:Thejanitor|Thejanitor]//maluraqwurming.blogspot.com/ blogging] for the [[Gold_2_Village_Roadmap|Gold 2 Village Roadmap]] this is cropped fromexperience.
== Todo ==