The first 5 tiles around a settlement deed are free perimeter. You can extend beyond the free perimeter, but this will come at a cost. Initial fee per tile is 50 iron, with an added monthly upkeep of 5 iron. Perimeter can be resized at any time.
== Pricing Cost ==* Deed See the [ Cost calculator] <table border=0><tr> <td> Cost per tile costof a settlement: 2c</td> <td> 200 iron </td> </tr>* Deed <tr> <td> Upkeep cost per tile upkeepfor settlement: 20i</td> <td> 20 iron </td> </tr>* Extended <tr> <td> Cost per tile for a perimeter tile cost: 50i</td> <td> 50 iron </td> </tr>* Extended <tr> <td> Upkeep cost per tile for a perimeter tile upkeep: 5i</td> <td> 5 iron </td> </tr>* Guard summoning cost<tr> <td> Cost for hiring guard: </td> <td> 2 silverSilver </td> </tr>* <tr> <td> Guard upkeep costmonthly salary: </td> <td> 1 silver</td> </tr>* Minimum deed upkeep: 1 silver</table>