== Business ==
After founding in early 2013 and only 50 Leather Working at the time, Shrimpiie is now the proud owner of the tailoring shop ''[http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/73001-the-studded-defense-great-prices-on-all-your-leather-and-cloth-needs-updated-10613/|The Studded Defense]'', which serves Leather Working and Cloth Tailoring goods up to 80ql and 60ql respectively. Shrimpiie is an honest businessman and always open to haggling for his services.
== Friends ==
(Doing My Best To Remember Everyone!)
* Alagrexa
* Alphawolfen
* Andrec
* Atazs
* Banzai
* Ciray
* Donangelo
* Eyesgood
* Gavin
* Rockybalboa
* Torreto
* Afira
* Alphafat
* Archaed
* Chiqa
* Eject
* Ekib
* Emass
* Jakenheimer
* Joykill
* Kerwal
* Kilitra
* Leaf
* Loaded
* Madaxe
* Noonstar
* Notsodirt
* Persephone
* Rasu
* Salbian
* Shads
* Shuego
* Silakka
* Silvirwolfe
* Sirdoodle
* Uisge
* Whiterose
* Xallo
* Xsamuraizx
* Superspazz
* Docstinetm
* Rosedragon
* Aetherwalker (original)
* Andromas
* Bobmcjeffery
* Deez
* Discoduck
* Dissociation
* Kajmir (original)
* Kirakarasuya
* Krazytucky
* Krysi (original)
* Livelong
* Locath
* Makarus
* Neb
* Piyu
* Raycg
* Rubychez
* Taintedmaster
* Theredreaper
* User
* Wantsome
* Wsrich (original)
* Yulina
* Zarame (original)
== Titles ==