Difference between revisions of "Tree"

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m (Willow good for all bow types, not only Reflex bow)
m (→‎Notes: coconuts and pineapples can not be botanized)
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* Order in tree height (at very old stage) is as follows: Cedar, Pine, Maple, Chestnut, Oak, Linden, Birch, Fir, Walnut, Willow, Olive, Apple, Cherry, Lemon
* Order in tree height (at very old stage) is as follows: Cedar, Pine, Maple, Chestnut, Oak, Linden, Birch, Fir, Walnut, Willow, Olive, Apple, Cherry, Lemon
* Tile must be at least two dirt levels above water to plant trees.
* Tile must be at least two dirt levels above water to plant trees.
* Coconut is crafted from a nut, pineapples are crafted from apples, but neither are something found or harvested
* [[Coconut]] is crafted from a nut, [[pineapple| pineapples]] are crafted from apples, and both can be found by botanizing.
* Certain sprouts may be used to create [[Hedges]]
* Certain sprouts may be used to create [[Hedges]]

Latest revision as of 16:44, 13 June 2024

Main / Terrain / Tree


There are tiles in Wurm where a tree or bush grows. Trees can be cut down and chopped up by activating and using a hatchet. This uses the woodcutting skill. You can also use a myriad of other tools for cutting a tree down, but this will be far less effective. The amount of wood produced depends on the age of the tree and the type of tree. See woodcutting for more information on cutting down trees.

Trees can be categorized in 4 types: lumber trees, nut trees, fruit trees, and bushes. Fruit trees will produce extremely little wood when cut down, and bushes produce no wood, but these two types can be harvested along with nut trees while they are in their harvest season.

Propagation and Age

Sprouts can be picked from a tree by using a sickle on it when the tree is in a sprouting stage. This uses the forestry skill. Taking a sprout will retreat a tree back one stage.

Planting a new tree uses a sprout and gardening skill. A sprout can be planted at the center or at a random location on a tile. When trees replant themselves after advancing beyond overaged the location within its tile of the new young tree will be random. Further, this is true even if the overaged tree had been center planted. Sprout quality does not determine tree quality.

Trees self-plant their own sprouts when they advance beyond a sprouting stage. Both the tile they spread to and the location within that tile which the tree sprouts are random. Tiles must support tree growth for sprouts to propagate.

Trees and bushes age through the 15 stages: young, young, young, mature, mature, mature, mature-sprouting, old, old-sprouting, old, old-sprouting, very old, very old-sprouting, overaged, shriveled.

Trees generally take several real weeks to grow to "old", "very old" or "overaged", which are the prime types for cutting. Oak is known to take several months to reach old age.


Pruning with a sickle can be done to very old-sprouting and overaged trees. This reverts the tree's age to very old.

Grass under a tree can be cut like a Grass tile and trimmed like Lawn. Trimmed grass will stay trimmed on deed. Off deed and in perimeter trimmed grass will revert to wild grass quickly. Wild grass will spread from trimmed tree tiles to adjacent dirt tiles.

Tree Types

Lumber Trees

Lumber trees give large amounts of wood when chopped at an old age. Most types of wood also have special properties.

  • Birch tree - Less wood is needed to reach the maximum burn-time of a fire. Overaged trees produce bark when using a awl
  • Cedar tree - Items made out of cedar decay slower. Arrows made out of cedar are easier to improve. Cedar charcoal piles will burn longer but produce less charcoal.
  • Maple tree - Maple trees is a lumber tree that can be harvested for maple sap with a bucket (while it's in season). Arrows made out of maple take less damage.
  • Willow tree - Rare tree. Willow wood is good for all bow types and fishing rods. A willow will kill other trees within 2 tiles.
  • Fir tree - Fir has no known special properties.
  • Linden tree - Linden has no known special properties.

Nut Trees

Nut trees have nuts which can be harvested during harvest season, but otherwise provide same amount of wood as Lumber trees.

Fruit Trees

Fruit trees have fruits which can be harvested during harvest season, but they give very little wood. They are also notorious for spreading incredibly fast and removing potential growth locations for other trees with more utility.


Bushes don't give any wood at all when chopped down. Like fruit trees, they can also be harvested.

Seedlings can be found while foraging. Seedlings are used to make a Trellis, some may be harvested.

Tree/Bush Ages

  • Young
    • Not harvestable
    • Lumber Trees yield one 1.60, 3.20 or 4.80 kg log; Fruit trees and very young lumber trees yield a wood scrap
  • Mature
    • Harvestable
    • Lumber trees yield one 11.20 kg log; Fruit trees yield one 2.00 kg or 2.40 kg log
    • Will produce sprouts
  • Old
    • Harvestable
    • Lumber Trees yield a fallen tree, weights: 106.67kg, 120kg (with sprout), 133.33kg or 146.67kg (with sprout); Fruit trees yield one 3.20 kg, 3.60 kg (with a sprout) or 4.00 kg log
    • Will produce sprouts
  • Very Old
    • Harvestable
    • Lumber Trees yield a fallen tree with a weight of 160.00 kg if they do not have a sprout, 173.33 kg if they do; Fruit trees yield one 4.80 kg or 5.20 kg (with a sprout) log
    • Can be pruned back to the beginning stages of very old when they are close to growing to the next level of overaged
    • Will produce sprouts
  • Overaged
    • Not harvestable
    • Lumber Trees yield a fallen tree with a weight of 186.67 kg; Fruit trees yield one 5.60 kg log
    • Can be pruned back to the beginning stages of very old (so that they can be harvested if in season)
  • Shriveled (Old and Shriveled on Examine)
    • Not harvestable
    • Lumber Trees yield one 4.80 kg log; Fruit trees yield a woodscrap
    • Will replant itself after it dies.


  • Trees infected by mycelium do not produce fruit.
  • Order in tree height (at very old stage) is as follows: Cedar, Pine, Maple, Chestnut, Oak, Linden, Birch, Fir, Walnut, Willow, Olive, Apple, Cherry, Lemon
  • Tile must be at least two dirt levels above water to plant trees.
  • Coconut is crafted from a nut, pineapples are crafted from apples, and both can be found by botanizing.
  • Certain sprouts may be used to create Hedges

See Also