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By popular demand this Guide is being created.

Mining Guide

Every player will tell you what vein type to mine at what skill level. This is just a rough guide and it is more variable than that, you can't blindly go mine the Vein within that range and expect good gains.

This guide does not deal with the different mechanics below the 40 skill and adjusting for that. Best to just manually look at your output pile and sort it by ql. Then count how many in the pile are 1.0 (fail, no skillgain) and how many are your skillcap (perfect, no skillgain). Everything in between is gains. Come up with the percentage you are getting skill and it is pretty common sense. Since you gain skill pretty fast in those early levels, rock is really fine to 40.

A skiller pick is usually low QL and has COC enchantment on it. Low QL for 2 reasons.

  • First and foremost is to lower the output ql of the mined shards/ore to get in the range below.
  • Second is to lengthen the action timer for more skillgain per tick. If you spend the same amount of total time mining it should balance out, but you will deplete a vein quicker which could be an issue if you are limited on them. But in reality you are going for the range, and whatever ql pick that ends up being, so be it.

A Speed pick is High QL with WOA enchantment (optional COC)

  • Higher QL improves the action Timer
  • WOA improves the action Timer
  • COC (optional) is for gains but for characteristic gains, not mining skill gains.

Mining Basics

  • Skillticks are guaranteed if output ql is 1.01 to 39.99 (no 1.0 or 40+) assuming both your skill and the vein cap is over 40. You can see this yourself by turning on 'show all skillgains' in the client options.
  • The QL cap of the vein has no impact on skill (assuming it is over 40 etc.)
  • The amount per skilltick is the exact same no matter which vein type you mine (rock, iron, etc. etc.)

What it all means

So you have options.

  • Grab a 1ql pick and go mining. Too low ql output move to an easier type vein to raise the ql. Too high output move to a harder type vein to lower the output ql. You are just adjusting vein type here to get in the range for gains.
  • Carry multiple picks. 1ql, 10ql, 30ql etc. Adjust the pick ql on the vein you are mining to get in the range.
  • Some combination of the first 2 options.

Shards to 50 you will hear everywhere. But that is not for more gains etc. it is just what people say. And they don't want to waste iron usually. Personally I did not mine rock for skill. My preference was to gouge out rock with a speed pick to expose veins. A skiller pick on rock carving out a mine will just take ... well forever. So at 42 I think it was I moved to a 45qlish iron vein, adjusted my pick ql and mined iron, dumping it into bsbs around it. Any rock I mined was with the speed pick (high QL, high WOA), to expose the zinc/copper/slate/marble etc. for later skilling since you won't be gaining much skill on rock/iron once you start getting up in skill.

For myself, i mined for skill as I normally just bought iron. So I did most skilling with the 1ql pick (repair often) and moved between vein types as required. At higher skill when you goto marble/silver/gold you end up using around a 30ql pick though to not have too many fails. My speed pick was used on carving out all the rock shards i used for bricks and also carving out space to find the veins. Also you use the speed pick when mining any ore you want at the higher quality since that is your high ql pick.

It goes without saying, you use your sleep bonus when mining for skill...

See also

Cooking With Mamadarkness