Talk:Libila Holy Site
Soul Crystals Data (By Dirk, Apr 24th 2023):
-There appears to be a minimum tick size from each Soul Crystal that is effected by your current skill and seemingly nothing else, you get the minimum when your skill is higher than the soul crystal creatures skill. This minimum doesn't appear to be affected by the ql or effective ql of the soul crystal.
-Rare/supreme crystals give the same minimum skill as a normal soul crystal from the same animal regardless of effective ql.
-Sleep bonus or nutrition level does not affect the amount of skill gained.
-My weaponless fighting was low enough that soul crystals of critters gave about 4-10x more skill than the apparent minimum. Most of my Weaponless fighting gains from soul crystals (i.e. the ones that were not the minimum gain) did appear to be affected by effective ql of the soul crystal and creature type.
Stay tuned for supporting data...