Talk:Chat commands
When I first typed out I actually typed it out instead of taking my event log and modifying it...boy am I stupid. - Tigiot 20:25, 23 January 2007 (CST)
Some commands work with less than exact names. /village triggers on /v, /vi and /vi+anything. The same applies to /dev, /shout and /tell. Strange stuff. - Dashiva 20:18, 23 January 2007 (CST)
- It helps us so no worries. :D I'm sure it will change if more chat commands are introduced with those starting letters. - Tigiot 20:25, 23 January 2007 (CST)
change email
./changeemail <newemail> <password>
The password here is contrary to the intuitive choice, belonging to the character typing the command. This has something to do with verfing both potential parties involved with the transfer are ok with it. In my expereince if you have multiple characters on the email your transfering too, one of those toon's passwords works.
Event message if you don't put a password in.
- [07:21:50] You need to provide a password in case it has to be verified: /changeemail <newemail> <password>
- [07:21:50] If no account exists with the new email the password will be ignored so then you can write anything.