Cardboardboxprocessor is a Mol-Rehan player who currently resides in Woodscove on the Wild Server. He enjoys spending the days in the mine shaft with his two pickaxes named Speed (by Zoe) and Lernen (by Maximustehgreat). He has had these two pickaxes ever since he started playing back in Sep. 07. They were gifts from his friend Maximustehgreat to help him finish his tunnel form landing to bear lake, which has since collapsed in shortly after completion. He has been known to have carried out several raids on Milp, Slavik, and other Shantytowners of shantytown before, during, and after his stay at old Pirate Outpost. He was responsible for getting him and his three main friends (Icarusthegreat, Maximustehgreat, and schiff) into Woodscove. Once, while he was in Jk, he decided to knock down and dig up all houses and paved tiles in Fort Oak.