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Main / Villages / Grunwald


Grunwald is a polish town of the kingdom of Jenn-Kellon.

Polish forum: [We accept only polish speaking citizens]

At the moment half-dead. Disbanded on 29 march


1| Councillors:
- Delkanpl
- Gradir

2| Nobles:
- Craig
- Olorin
- Geralt

3| Artisans:
- Harton
- Bartolezz
- Szympeks
- Neoxis
- Matlush
- Galerad
- Polan

4| Peasants:
- Mati
- Adidosek
- Facetzkonina
- Gosiapl
- Yarpen
- Bobafett
- Vankaerion
- Arturius

Alliances and Wars declared

Alliance with Stingard Alliance with New World

War with Libilian Outlawz

A plan

grunwald2.jpg [not actual]