The humble ZeldaGold
You entered through the portal to Wurm on day of Tears, week 2 of the starfall of the Leaf, 1048. That's 1380 days, 23 hours and 37 minutes ago. (1/23/2019)
Probly gona rework all this as i made it and not really a fan of it already....
And Alts
- Vyntregold
- Vynora Priest who is not the best at doing much
- Linkgold
- A soon to be battery
- Hyrule
- A stay on deed alt/bank
Just a regular player doing normal things. My passion is building and designing structures both in game and out. My normal playtime is usally evenings and weekends my time.
I first joined and played under a forgotten name on the GV tutorial server, as i wasent allowed to use parents paypal it was quickly lived as playing with 20 skill became sad.
Kamoto was my first real prem character who i traveled with before finally settling down on xan when it was announced and opened.
- Catch me on discord Golden #3449
- On the wurm forums (same name)
- Brotherhood of Steel - Exo - Disbanded
- Mayer - Home
- MOP - Pristine - active
- Villager, with Seedlings, Hypamania, & Windowskey
- TriForce Heroes - Xan - active
- Mayor - Weekend housing/storage
catch me playing Torn as Zeldagold
- leave a quote if you like
- quotes sayed
- [11:26:48] <Darwin> I refuse to see another passion of the christ movie unless jesus has a line "You've Crossed the wrong guy!"