Breast plate
Main / Smithing / Armour smithing / Plate armour smithing / Breast plate
A breast plate for protecting the torso.
Plate armour generally provides the highest base defense with large penalties to speed. Wearing plate you will see a lower attack speed and a lower walking speed. It is also important to realize that the weight of the plate suit further will limit your usefulness in combat. A plate suit adds nearly 50kgs of weight. Plate also has a defense bonus vs cutting. The equipment also has a penalty vs mauls causing higher damage to the equipment when attacked with a maul.
- Equip the steel lump
- Right click a large anvil in your inventory and select Create/Armour/breast plate
Items required
- Steel lump 5.72 kg
- Large anvil
Resulting product
Skill used
- The following items can be used when improving: