Stone altar
Main / Skills / Masonry / Stone altar
A stone altar, with decorations depicting famous religious events.
- You will need to be a follower of a God to construct an altar.
- Activate a clay, right-click stone brick and select Create>Containers>Altar.
- Activate a clay, right-click unfinished stone altar, select Attach. Repeat x10
- Activate a stone brick, right-click unfinished stone altar, select Attach. Repeat x10
- Activate a metal bowl, right-click unfinished stone altar, select Attach.
Items required
- 22kg Clay (do not combine)
- 11ct Stone brick
- 1 Metal bowl ( gold, iron, silver, steel)
Resulting product
- Unfinished stone altar
- Stone altar
You can pray at these altars for faith and you can use the altar for sacrificing.