Wurm sports different kingdoms and different religions. A player may, within limits, change between each kingdom and religion. Choosing a new kingdom/religion may be done in different ways.
For any conversion type:
- /invitations
Changing Kingdom
There are two ways to change kingdom:
- Via a player
- Via a Altar of Three or Bone Altar
Note that
- You have 4 converts
- You do not use a convert if on the Golden Valley server (unconfirmed)
Conversion via a player
Simply run up to a player of the kingdom you wish to convert, type /invitations, and ask them to convert you. Some player may rather kill you.
Conversion via the Altars
The WL and BL altars can make you changed kingdom. However, if you are a JK, you cannot use them to convert to MR, and vice-versa.
Changing Religion
There are two ways of converting to a faith.
- Any follower of a deity can convert other players.
- It is also possible to convert by visiting the Altar of Three or Bone Altar on the wild server.
In order to convert from Libila, the BL faith, to a WL faith such as Vynora, Fo or Magnaron, you must first have a WL player ask you to join the JK kingdom through the "Set Kingdom" option given when right-clicking on a player of the opposite kingdom. If you do not and attempt to use the WL altar, you will be given a message saying Libila will not allow you to leave the Horde of the Summoned.
Either way, you must satisfy the requirements of the faith.
Conversion by Follower
The follower simply activates his deity's channeling item, then right-clicks the target and chooses Religion->Convert. Note that the target must have toggled /invitations to be able to receive conversion offers. The converter gains all of his favor back.
You may only be converted once every 7 days.
You must have a body skill of 1.5 or above to get converted by another player and you must have an alignment of 1 or above to be converted to a white lighter god.
Converting by Altar
To convert to a White Light God (Vynora, Fo or Magranon) you must go to the Altar of Three on the wild server, Right hand click on the altar -> Inscriptions -> Read inscription 1, 2 or 3
To convert to a Black Light God (Libila) you must go to the Bone Altar on the wild server, Right hand click on the altar -> Read inscription 1.
Converting by Alignment
When alignment reaches -200 you are automatically converted to blacklight but you do NOT teleport there. Note that you can convert back to WL with a reputation below -200.
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