Reputation lowers when you break the kingdom law or village law when you are within that particular deed.
Everybody starts with 100 reputation. If you do something to lose some, it will slowly regenerate at about one point per hour. Reputation does continue to increment while you're offline. You can check your reputation with the command /reputation.
If you die with less then 0 rep, you will lose 5x the normal skill loss (a devastating 1.25 in all skills).
Below 0 reputation, you will be marked an outlaw, and all players can attack you without penalty. At -100 reputation, tower and deed guards will attack you on sight.
If you are a Whitelighter and your rep drops below -200, you will automatically become a Blacklighter. If you're on the Home Server, you'll be automatically teleported to the Black light on the Wild Server. Basic Accounts cannot play on the Wild Server, and therefore must purchase premium time or be lost forever. It is possible to change back to the White Light.
You lose 35 rep for stealing an item.