This was a Jenn-Kellon (white light) settlement on the now deleted home server.
Moi'Coh is currently recruiting town citizens from any timezone; we are looking for mature (not necessarily based on age) citizens that have the time and drive to spend at least 3 or 4 hours a week online and who are willing to work towards making the town better before working on their own areas. We are filling all jobs in town as well, from carpenter to smith. If you are interested; head to the Moi'Coh Town Portal and check out the town charter and post a howdy in the public area.
Directions from NT
Head out the Eastern gate of NT, the path that goes by "Nexus Blacksmithing".
Follow this path .5 km until you come to a fork.
Take the right fork and follow until it turns North East down the hill, this is only direction you can turn.
.4 km past the fork you will come to a 4 way intersection (past the New Player Training building)
Take the right path (South East and uphill)
At the next intersection take a left. This leads to IVS, go around the IVS SW Gate on the corner and continue on North East.
Follow this North East path for .9 km and you will arrive at the Tradeoutpost Sigmaringen building.
Take the fork here heading in an East South East direction for .6 km (you will pass the Moi'Coh Farm house. Take a right and you will walk into town.
Azzu ***Moved to Wild***
City Council
Frost ***Moved to Wild***
Akharg ***Moved to Wild***
- Main Street Moi'Coh.
- The Farm.
- Beautiful Veiw from Town.
- View from the back side of Town.