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This weird fellow may be helpful sometimes and sometimes he seems to be on other world, standing on place and not doing anything. Also rumour is that he got kind of splitted personality. But when you get used to him, that's ok. He's little bit of newcomer to wurm, but learns slowly. Altogether, that doesn't make him dump, he just gots focusing problems now and then.

He is an elder of Silent Hill, so he may help you with village business. Don't be afraid to contact him, when needed.


So far, he has been able to get few titles:

  • Carpentry

Master Carpenter, Arrowmaker, Mighty Fine Carpenter, Bowmaker, Harbormaster

  • Smithing

Smith, Chainsmith, Master Blacksmith

  • Food stuff

Cook, Butcher, Saucier

  • Nature

Angler, Guru, Beastspeaker, Gardener, Greenthumbs, Crofter, Drover

  • Material gathering and improving

Land Shaper, Coaler, Prime Minester, High Mason, Timberman, Ropemaker, Tanner, Repairman, Prospector, Sculptor, Potter, Tailor

  • Misc titles

Bodybuilder, Padre, Stabber, Mercenary, Quacksalver, Knifer, Tim the Toolman, Alchemist, Entertainer, Tracker, Swordsman