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Helpful player

This is a helpful player on the Freedom server. While in-game try to message this person if you need help. The command for this is /tell Ronanxx

Ronanxx is owned by a different person now! The original Ronanxx is now Ronanvv on Xanadu/Chaos!



This is a person who loves to help the newer players and everyone who need to know something. He knows a lot about the game but somethings he may not be able to explain or he won't have the answer to it. Ronanxx spends a lot of his time of WurmPedia and on the Wurm Online Forums where he enjoys participating in conversations and having fun.

Early Days and Watertown

Ronan joined the Lands of Wurm on the Release server. He entered through the portal to Wurm on day of Sleep, week 3 of the Bear's starfall, 1028. As of 27/11/2013 that's 342 days ago, or 21/12/2012. He was lucky to have had his brother Jakeii and a few friends that were made in the early hours of his existence. Together they lived in the area around Sloping Sands until Stumblewater a good friend and himself moved to New Stonewood, a developing deed in the north-western corner of the island. Later they were joined by another friend, Serian. The three lived there for a small while before moving past a large well-known deed called Troll's Vantage to make a deed on the coast. This deed was named Water Town. Alidar, Stumblewater's brother then moved came to Water Town. Jakeii had his own deed called Lake View positioned close to Sloping Sands, with Ronan's other brother. Later though they moved to Water Town and joined the group. Together the Water Town group built a great deed, that lived strong until Stumblewater and Alidar went in-active due to real-life issues. After an extent of time Serian started to waver in enjoying Wurm Online. Her logging on getting less frequent until she didn't log on again. A few other friends of my brothers left and handed their deed paper of Fort Huntsman to them. Due to his friends going in-active Ronan moved to Fort Huntsman. He lives there now with his two brothers and a strong alliance.

Fort Huntsman Abattoir

After living at Fort Huntsman for a fair while Ronanxx decided to branch out and make his own deed as Jakeii had done. Instead of a dock like Jakeii went on to make he chose to make a abattoir to supply Release with fantastic meat and alchemy products. Joined by a fellow Wurmian just starting out called Carts, he made a wonderful start to the deed. It is at x13 x19 on the map.

Return of Serian

On the day of the Wurm in week 4 of the starfall of Omens in the year of 1038, Serian logged into Wurm Online, she soon rejoined Ronanxx on his deed. However she did not log on again. Ronan and Carts carved out a small deed over time and spent a lot of time making nails to sell, to keep the Abattoir's upkeep.

Departures and New Beginnings

After a short time living at FHA Carts decided to leave the world of Wurm. Once again disheartened by the loss of companions, Ronanxx sold his account to another. But the Wurm has a way of drawing you back... In the form of an alternate account, Ronanxx rejoined Wurm Online as Chaosian on Chaos. Chaosian joined up with a small band of new players, Freedomers, in a small encampment. When news was heard about a larger band of "Freedom Fighters" they all jumped at the chance to join them. This new group consisted of veterans: Maurizio, Contego, Madnezz and some others, aswell as a bunch of newbies such as Chaosian. Together they built Fort Freedom near Hunter's Lodge.

Chaos and Fort Freedom

The extent of Fort Freedom's "freedom" was short lived, due to ongoing conflict with a neighbouring Fort associated with the Horde of the Summoned, the Freedomer's sought the aid of the mighty Mol Rehan, thus giving up Fort Freedom in the process. The group soon moved onto form the Blacklight Kingdom of Ebonaura. Ebonaura's small lands are in the north west where the capital is Umbra, with a neighbouring Ebonauran fort named Gnomon.


To rejoin his new friends in Ebonaura, Chaosian, once again adopted a new body, Ronanvv. Ronanvv made his way through mycelium forests where hyena's and other beasties roam. He made it there safely and was converted to the Kingdom of Ebonaura. There he met new people such as: Palgolak, Chefpeewee, Dropdeadfred, Dridmar and more. Life went on uneventful in Ebonaura for Ronanvv, his skills were too low to participate in combat. Eventually though, like it always seems to, Ebonaura merged with Mol Rehan. Due to this, Ronanvv once again left, unhappy with the events that had unfolded. After that, Ronanvv decided to find Palgolak and live with him on Exodus.


From Chaos, Jakeii picked up Ronanvv and went home to Release. In payment for a sailboat (or rowboat as it turned out), Ronanvv was tasked in making 1000 bricks for Jakeii. After completing the arduous job, Ronanvv jumped in the rowboat named "Runaway Noob", courtesy of Jakeii, and sailed, or rather rowed towards Exodus! Ronanvv made it to Palgolak's deed with some aid, it is named Nigh Sump at L20. This is where Ronanvv currently resides with Palgolak, he has met several new people such as: Ladyy and Sirmanez. News has it that Ebonaura separated from Mol Rehan and has a new capital atop Macedon Mountain, who knows what the future holds? The lands of Chaos have been calling out to Ronanvv, the screams of the damned ring ever in his ears. Though at this point he knows that - in order to be helpful in the fight back home - he must continue to level his skills. Life was relaxing at Night Sump, alas, Palgolak disbanded it and Ronanvv sailed towards new adventures, to the great unknown that is Xanadu.

Journal Entries

The following are journal entries from Ronanvv's journal during the days after Nigh Sump's disbandment.

Journal Entry - Day 1

Starting to feel the pressure of hiding in this house. There ain't no HoTA statue with food in it, how could he just abandon me like this. This is neglect, I am ENTITLED to food, water and safety from these damn trolls. The horses have laid waste upon the floor and I fear I may have to move it...with MY hands. What I am meant to do here in the passing hours of my existence but delicately carve these arrows, the Gods don't expect me to get myself out of here do they? I feel my stomach begging for food, I can only sate my thirst with the water in my many water-skins.

Journal Entry - Day 2

Contact! Wolfey has offered to come rescue me from the remnants of Nigh Sump. I fear Palgolak may never be coming back and Wolfey is scared of the trolls I mentioned. Perhaps I should seek assistance from higher powers... Yes! Shydow, the friendly hunter guy who happens to be hunting on Exodus at the moment, he has begun the trek to co-ordinates L, 20 to complete a search and destroy mission. I await a response from Palgolak... But for now, my arrows crave my attention.


With help from Palgolak and his knarr, Ronanvv managed to transport all of his belongings and boats to R21, in South-eastern Xanadu where he now lives in a small, but growing village named Eletha, it consists of it's mayor, Wolfey and now the two villagers villagers Kyoko and now Ronanvv. A few newbies have joined Eletha, named Emmafaith and Ursusmajorminor aswell as a new priest named "Ferret". Ronanvv has - so far - had an eventful, exciting life in the coastal village of Eletha. His latest exploits have included:

  • The continuation and completion of an existing highway to Eletha.
  • A bridge over the canal, part of the aforementioned highway.
  • Smoothing the rough edges of the uncut diamond that is Eletha. In the way of terraforming and cleaning up Wolfey's...messes.
  • A booming (Soon (TM)) arrow market.
  • Successful aversion of labourous tasks set by the hard taskmaster Wolfey.

Titles of Ronanvv


  • Carpentry: Renowned Carpenter
  • Fletching: Arrowmaker
  • Mining: Miner

MEDITATION TITLE: Desertmind of the Path of Knowledge

SPECIAL TITLES - Cavalier - Rider of Lomaner - Chieftain of Lomaner - Ambassador of Lomaner