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Main / Skills / Thievery / Traps

The traps skill affects the success rate of placing traps.

Traps skill is increased by placing and disarming traps.

For a list of traps see traps.



Traps are devious devices used to damage or cause other ill effects to those who trigger them. The traps skill is used in the placement or disarming of traps and affects the success rate. When failing to set a trap the message, "Sadly you fail to set the trap properly, the trap triggers and is destroyed" appears and successfully setting a trap prompts the message "You carefully set the trap" To set a trap, activate the trap and right click the corresponding tile for the type of trap and click "Set trap." Once set, traps begin to decay causing them do do less damage and eventually disappear. They can only be activated by enemy kingdoms or villages. Allies, neutrals, and monsters remain unaffected.

Creating traps uses several different skills, these include: carpentry, blacksmithing, ropemaking, pottery, and masonry. For more detailed information of the various trap types, see the list below.

Quality Scale:

1 - 24.99 - Low

25 - 54.99 - Average

55 - 74.99 - High

75 - 99.99 - ???

Countering Traps

To remove a trap you must disarm it. The chance to successfully disarm relies on the Traps skill.

Skill check failures will trigger the event message "You fail to trigger any traps." For disarming a variety of tools are possible: rake, plank, shovel, log, or a shaft. It is advised to use something expendable, such as a shaft, for disarming successes can destroy the activated item.

There are three ways to detect traps, the Sixth sense spell, being a Blacklighter, and examining the tile on which the trap is set. When using Sixth Sense or when walking within 1 tile of a trap as a Blacklighter a message is displayed in the event window, "You detect a trap!" No further information on the trap is given.

When examining a trapped tile you will receive the message "You detect a (Trap Type) of (Quality Value) quality, it was set by the (Kingdom) people."*

Someone who is rank 4 in the Path of Power can use the Trap Immunity perk.

Trap Placement

bow stick pole knife scythe corr net rope man axe
Grass - x - x - - - x x -
Dirt - x - x - - - x x -
Paved - - - - - - - - - -
Bush x - x - - x x x - x
Tree x - x - - x x x - x
Packed - - - - - - - - - -
Rock x - - - x - - - - -
Cave x - - - x x - - - -
Field - x - x - - - - x -
Sand - x - x - - - x x -
Tar x x x x - - - x x x
Moss - x - x - - - x x -
Steppe - x - x - - - x x -
Peat - x - x - - - x x -
Clay - x - x - - - x x -
Marsh x x x x x - - x x x
Cliff - - - - - - - - - -
Mycelium - x - x - - - x x -


  • A 5QL bow trap produced a 2.15 damage wound (unarmored)
  • A 15QL stick trap produced a 5.5 damage wound (unarmored)
  • A 50QL stick trap produced two 20 damage wounds (unarmored)
  • When a trap is set on a dirt or cave floor tile, it is impossible to be detected by examining; this appears to be a bizarre glitch.
  • Traps once set only last a few days. Preferable to stockpile and set as needed.
  • Dmg enhancer enchants, such as Rotting Touch, do work on traps.
  • Terraforming on tiles that are trapped does not effect the trap.
  • If a trap is set on a tree tile and the tree advances in age (Young to Mature for example) the trap will be destroyed.
  • Traps have been noted within Rift even areas.


  • It's a Trap at 50 skill
  • Trapper at 70 skill
  • Snare Artist at 90 skill