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  • Missions are randomly given tasks that are server specific. They provide you with sleep bonus and karma.
  • Turn on mission progress from the hud settings to see what current missions are available.
  • For Epic Server, missions provide additional material, refer to the Scenarios.


Requirements for Completing a Mission

  • The only requirement is for the sacrifice missions. You will need to be at least a follower of any god and have enough faith to sacrifice.
  • You do not have to be premium to partake in or complete the mission and you will still receive the karma and sleep bonus if other requirements are met.
  • If the mission asks for a 'DECENT' item, this means it has to be 30 quality or higher.
  • What religion you follow does NOT limit which mission you can be a part of.


  • 30 minutes of sleep bonus (only if you have less than 4 hours already). The sleep bonus is only awarded if the mission is successful. If it fails because the time runs out you receive none.
  • Each mission provides 1000 karma for every part it requires.
  • If it is a single player mission, that one player will get 1000 karma for completing it.
  • If it is a mission that requires 132 parts, for example, each part will give 1000/132 per part.

Types of Missions

  • Slay X number of creatures: Kill X amount of a type of creature on the server.
  • Slay traitor: Kill a specific creature with'traitor' at the end of their name
  • Sacrifice normal item: Sacrifice X amount of a type of item at an altar. These items must be 'DECENT', which is 30ql or higher.
  • Sacrifice valrei item: Sacrifice X amount of valrei object at an altar. These objects must be found and spawn randomly on the server. The name of the object doesn't matter, since you can use ANY valrei object for these missions. Unfortunately, they can spawn on deed and inside buildings.
  • Build Structure (Epic focus point): These are special 'unique' structures that can only be built in specific locations. Only the person that completes it will get the rewards and be able to name/move it. It cannot be built on deed. Once built, they will not decay and then become a target for the ritual missions. They can be built in the NorthWest, SouthWest, and SouthEast, but there has never been a mission to build them in the NorthEast (unsure as if this is a bug or intended); There are only 3 of each type of structure that can be built on each server for the missions. You can make them unfinished at the location and build more elsewhere but they will NOT become an epic focus point for future missions that way.
  • Ritual: Easy to do mission that may or may not require an additional item to perform. Simply, click on the structure and perform ritual. Only one person per ritual and the number of people needed can vary from 1 or much more.
  • Give item: Give a certain item to an avatar. The mission description tells you what deed it was last seen at but they can be dragged or move far from that location. Ql does not matter on the item but a specific colour or type may. The missions can be ambiguous on the type of an item, ie it will say common wool hat when it requires blue common wool hat.
  • Create item: Produce the item given in the mission description. For items requiring multiple parts, priest cannot complete the mission without losing faith since they cannot continue building. Ql does not matter on the item but a specific colour or type may. The missions can be ambiguous on the type of an item, ie it will say common wool hat when it requires blue common wool hat.
  • Cut down tree: Cut down a specific tree on the server. The mission description will tell you what direction the tree will be from a deed in a quadrant of the server. The tree has no identifying marks or signs. WARNING, many players might consider this griefing but since it is offdeed, there are no rules against it if its for the mission. Only one person can ever complete this mission. Partially chopping the tree does not progress the mission, it has to be completely cut down to know if you got it or not.

Issues to be concerned about

  • if a duplicate mission pops up, only the newest mission will get credited so that the new mission must be completed before the older one can.
  • sometimes a build mission will bug and it will say 'this cannot be completed at this time.' These can be reported and reset by a GM and they know about this issue.