Often found in Shanbobka.
A Newer village founded by Shangtsung, Bidbadbob and Stika.
Current jobs:
Always working in the village All roads to and From Shanbobka are in serious upgrade mode.
Future jobs:
Building more roads, in an attempt to attain the Paver Title(which i think is probably one of the hardest skills to get to 50) Working on aliance's and good relations with all my neighbors.
- Miner
- Digger
Completed jobs:
No job, no matter how big or how small is ever completed, something always needs doing.
sometimes if a new play wanders down past dotties place to the other side of the lake they end up in our area. i have been known to offer basic instruction, and earning a fishing rod or some other tool or food, isn't unheard of either.
honor to my enimies. honor to my friends..... who you are, dosn't really mater as long as you treat those around you, as you yourself wish to be treated.