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Wurm Terminology
- AB - Alchemist Bay
- AFW - Away From Wurm, either alt-tabbed.
- Aosp - Aura of shared pain
- BLer - Blacklighter
- BL - Black light (Bone Altar)
- BOK - Bag of keeping
- CM - Chat moderator
- CoC - Circle of Cunning
- FA - Flaming Aura
- GM - Game master
- HOTS - Horde of the Summoned
- Imp - To improve an item's quality.
- JK - Jenn-Kellon
- MBOK - Master bag of keeping
- MR - Mol-Rehan
- NT - Newtown
- QL - Quality Level
- RT - Rotten Touch
- WLer - Whitelighter
- WL - White Light (Altar of Three)
- WoA - Wind of Ages
- WOS - Wurm Online Skillcompare
And there are many more.
Wild Settlements
- WV - Whosville
- VH - Vallhalla
- LO - Libilian Outlaws
- HSB - Homestead Bay
- KM - Kaer Morhen
- KY - Kyara
- CV - Coniunctis Viribus
And there are many more.
General Abbreviations
- AFAIK - As far as I know
- AFK - Away from keyboard
- ATM - At the moment
- ASAP - As soon as possible
- BBL - Be back later
- BRB - Be right back
- ETA - Estimated time of arival
- FPS - Frames per second
- FTW - For the win
- FTL - For the lose
- GTG/G2G - Got to go
- IIRC - If I recall/remember correctly
- IMO - In my opinion
- IMHO - In my humble opinion (or "In my honest opinion" or "In my hated opinion")
- PMSL - Pissing my self laughing
- OFC - Of ****ing course
- OMW - On my way
- TY - Thank you
- TBH - To be honest
- WB - Welcome back
- WTF - What the ****
- YW - Your welcome
And there are many more.
Also see: [1]