Settlement:New Vagrant

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Jenn-Kellon Golden Valley settlement

This is a Jenn-Kellon (white light) settlement on Golden Valley.

                                                       New Vagrant      

                                               The new hope of a new tomorrow...

New Vagrant is a small community on the Golden Valley server, located west of First Light, up the peat hills, and past taboma manor, just above where 'Myth La Goon' used to be(as it no longer exists).


New Vagrant is founded from the original 'Vagrant', which used to be nearly spot on in the middle of the Golden Valley server, but in Vagrant everyone became inactive and everything decayed, so Traslogan moved out of there with his possessions, then he became friends with durr. The two of them moved out in search of a better place to settle down in, they randomly wandered the map looking for their haven, and they came across 2 tranquil lakes... they set up a farm and a place to rest their heads under, then more people came along, many old friends. so Traslogan and Durr founded 'New-Vagrant'...


New-Vagrant Mayor(s): Traslogan & Durr

Current New-Vagrant villagers/residents:

Traslogan(mayor)(part of the mining force)

Durr(mayor)(the all-rounder man)

Cragos(the cookery supplier)

Adrocker(the new-guy)

We currently have a lot of spare housing for people wishing to move in.

And New Vagrant is still making more space for more housing! so anyone who is prepared to be active and friendly is welcome. The mayor Durr is on most days, and the mayor Traslogan is on every day but wednesday, so feel free to come and join anytime.
