Settlement:Minges Tirith

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Freedom settlement

This is a settlement on the Freedom Isles.

Facepunch is an online community located here.


Current Village

We established a new town on the 14/1/11.


The new current Village is located north-east of the Eastern Plain, called Minges Tirith (II)


Some of the people on this list may not still live in the village. Updated 21/1/11

Rank Admin+

  • Kingathias - Mayor
  • Trullilulli - Super Admin
  • Scribbles - Admin
  • Hashmere - Admin


  • Aimer
  • Clouddark
  • Fei_
  • Gmantwelve
  • Hoobityangersr
  • Killerrobot
  • MisterThistle
  • Nerolus
  • Peep
  • Phoenux
  • Play
  • Tehmuffinman
  • chrisgbk
  • darkreign
  • drinkthepunch
  • vanshkin
  • Junraptor
  • Jaxstrife
  • Nitrowing
  • Kinversulath
  • Altimor
  • Blanketspace
  • Lizerus
  • Zeos
  • cardfan
  • Jethaler
  • flamesedge
  • Zyxx
  • FieldMarshalErwinRommel

If I forgot you, sorry. Let me know.




Wave One

Facepunch initially became involved in Wurm when a member by the name of Raloc posted a thread on the forum asking players to come and play. The thread was a success, and many people came to play. However, many of the people in the village couldn't decide where to set up camp. This happened about 6 months ago.

Wave Two

Another thread was posted on Facepunch and it attracted many more people to Wurm. However, this time, many of the people that came to Wurm in the first wave were now experienced, and knew what to do. The first expedition to find the new lands set out under the lead of ElijahT and consisted of him, Joudoki, and Somebody.

Later, Pvtryan, DeMong, Electrocuter, and Monkeyfun caught up with the first wave, and the two groups traveled together under the lead of Pvtryan to the promised lands. The spot that was chosen was inhabited by a few Facepunchers before, including Pvtryan, Andrew, Jeff, and Demong. It was soon abandoned.

Wave Three

One week ago gmantwelve asked Firepaw to post announcements in the steam group and I rallied everyone in the group in to the steam group's chat room. There we discussed how we will invade Wurm. A day later the Thread was made. A couple days later an Exodus was commenced. We found promising land, Minges Tirith (II) was destined to be found. It has grown vastly over the week and we have accomplished much. We attracted over 25 players overall, but recently, those showing up regularly have plummeted to 10-15.

Misconceptions and Generalizations of Facepunchers

  • Facepunch Members are thieves.

This is not true; A few people from the facepunch community, who do not know the rules of the game and the community, have committed some crimes that have shed a negative light on facepunch.

Known Criminals

  • Hybrid - Kiting monster(s), excessive verbal griefing, stealing.

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