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Helpful player

This is a helpful player on the Freedom server. While in-game try to message this person if you need help. The command for this is /tell Gaffeek



A founding member of KirsheBay on Jenn-Kellon Home, Gaffeek traveled to the new lands with Rogan and Auberon to set up a new Darkenstone. Together, the threesome boated/swam from the far eastern shores of Jenn-Kellon Home across the southern portion of Wild to the lands known as Mol-Rehan Home.

Mol-Rehan Home

Once in Mol-Rehan Home, Batolemaeus joined the trio, and the village of Darkenstone was reformed on the shores of a small bay not far from the base of Needle Mountain, the land's largest mountain. With nothing but the tools they brought with them, the group carved a home out of the land and established a village to be envied by many. While the men dug, mined, and carted, Gaffeek worked on her tailoring skills to provide adequate protection in the new land. She also strove to create a homey feeling within the newly built halls by adding beds, tables and chairs by which to relax. Her strong carpentry and tailoring skills still benefit the community as a whole.

When news of raiders hitting dear friends came to Darkenstone, Gaffeek struggled to retain her composure. As the only villager awake at the time of the hits, she worked diligently to put up defenses for the village, all the while wondering if it were worth her time. The world had gone mad in a matter of moments, and she questioned whether to stay and fight, or to simply walk away into the wilderness. After days of hearing her friend cry out for help that she couldn't give, Gaffek finally decided it was time to walk away. So she packed up her valuables and headed off to part unknown until the madness ended.

Endeavors at Alchemist Bay

While spending time Gaffeek opened the Angry Unicorn Inn outside of Alchemist Bay. Always out to help her fellow players, Gaffeek thought that having space to sleep while out traveling the world would benefit everyone. For the nominal fee of 50i per bed, travelers could build up their sleep bonus before heading out to work on their skills even while they're away from their homesteads and villages. She intended to put in several hours per month assisting Oracle in building up and maintaining Alchemist Bay before it was determined that MR Home would be no more. Gaffeek also opened a Crafter Cottage behind the Angry Unicorn Inn to facilitate community while working on necessary skills.


With Rogan, Batolemaeus, and a few refugees of the disaster on MR Home including Aureateand Persephone, Gaffeek headed toward new lands. After spending three weeks building sailboats and a cog to bring all that they would need to the new world, the group headed out, first to Wild to assist in improving their fellow travelers' tools, then south, to Freedom.

It wasn't as long a voyage as first believed, though Gaffeek was unable to join the vanguard villagers. Instead, she bided her time on a friend's newly-claimed island on Wild, waiting for all of her people to be ready to move on. Once they were ready, she followed Rogan and the others into the unknown. Rogan had found a place to set up camp. He described it to her as she glided along, and though hesitant and wary, she drew her breath when she finally found the place.

Lovely beyond belief, the narrow span of land crossed between the Northern Ocean and the Inner Sea. To the west a large mountain loomed, inviting and steady. To the east, warped hills covered in trees and grass stretched for miles. Darkenstone was reborn.

A canal was built under the guiding hand of Aureate. At 120m long, 32m wide, and 16m deep, for the first time any seagoing vessel could pass from the Northern Ocean into the Inner Sea. This made Darkenstone a prime place for a merchant village. So, Gaffeek set about building a Port Authority to control the trader and a dozen market stalls to house the merchants she was sure would come. Sure enough, in a very short time, the merchant stalls were full, and Darkenstone was a bustling port city.

Helpful Player

A long-time member of the Wurm community, she continues to be a driving force for positive, effective play in a game she loves. Feel free to contact her in-game if you are in need of assistance. As a Chat Moderator, she is always available in game or via the forums under the name Gaffeek.