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Disclaimer: This article is not an official document. It attempts to accurately describe current policy and statements made by the developers, but should not be taken as binding or otherwise limiting. If an authoritative statement is required, it should be requested directly from from staff or the development team.


Who are Chat Moderators

A CM is a player that has taken on responsibilities in addition to playing the game. While there is no formal application process players that are being considered go under review by the GM's and if the consensus is positive the player may be offered the position if the server they play on could use more support. Players can express their interest in the position to GMs though most are recommended by current team members. The Head GM makes the final decision. Ideally CM's are experienced players that have no history of chat infractions or game violations.

What do CM's do?

CM's fill two important roles. What most people are aware of is that they moderate the kingdom chat channels and enforce the chat rules. Behind the scene CM's also take /dev calls to assist players when GM's are unavailable and resolve calls that can be fixed without GM intervention. They are also able to reach GM's across multiple servers if necessary.

The Chat Rules

If you do not follow the rules you can find yourself muted. If you receive an unofficial warning in one of the chat channels do not argue! If you strongly disagree send the cm a private message about it as starting an argument in kchat is likely to get you muted as well. Receiving an offical warning is also something you should take up in private with the cm in question, or if you feel uncomfortable with that, any other cm or gm. Warnings are on record, as are mutes, and it's not a good idea to collect these!

This is a non-exhaustive list of reasons you may be muted:

  • Talk of/about illicit drug use, possession, or sale.
  • Use of vulgar language.
  • Discuss R rated themes, please keep chat PG, many players are very young.
  • Any discriminatory remarks about someone's race, creed, sexuality, or lifestyle.
  • If you say something that is offensive to a large group of people and are asked to shut up, please do.
  • Discussion of macros.
  • Spamming chat.
  • Flaming.
  • If you are excessively combative or argumentative when warned or asked to change the subject.
  • Attempting to pose as someone working for the game. (e.g. CM, GM, DEV).
  • Trolling.
  • Argumentative or abusive behavior towards cm's/gm's about warnings - do this in private if you must!

Procedure(s) for mutes:

  • You the player have said something from the list above.
  • Moderator tells you that is unacceptable. (GMs can skip this step if they feel the need)
  • You continue
  • An official mute warning is given, this will appear in that scary orange color in your event window.
  • You keep continuing
  • Mute. Length of mute determined by moderator. (not to exceed 24 hours)
  • Post a log of the incident where it can be reviewed by the GMs, both to determine proper action was taken, and that further action is not needed.

Things they may not do:

  • Vendetta mutes. They don't like you, so they mute you.
  • Mutes for things they find personally offensive.
  • Casual muting (just for the hell of it)
  • Mute a GM, or attempt to, or even think about it.
  • Mute you because you PKd them and they are angry.
  • Mute you because of something you said in local.
  • Mute you permanently, I'd ask them to refer any cases where they feel an extended mute is needed to a GM.
  • Mute you in a manner inconsistent with the procedure posted above.
  • Abuse their position, or pose as a GM.

Note: mutes are limited in time and lifted by the server when the time elapsed or a moderator lifts the mute.

See also Developers and Game Masters

Current Moderators

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Golden Valley

Freedom Server



Horde of the Summoned

Some of these moderators can also create Wiki accounts, send them a private message via the forums or in-game for an account.
