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Favor is used by priests and champions in casting spells. The maximum amount of favor you can have is equal to your faith. Favor replenishes automatically.

The rate of replenishment is slow and decreases the more favor you have. Going from 30 to 60 favor takes about 3 times longer than going from 0 to 30. The actual faith has no noticable influence on the rate of replenishment.

A good rule of thumb for favor gain from 0 favor is

  • 2 minutes to gain 10 Favor
  • 10 minutes to gain 20 Favor
  • 22 minutes to gain 30 Favor.

Favor gain is halved when doing an action.

Favor can be stored in gems with the spell Vessel. You can also gain favor by sacrificing valuable items or money at an altar of your god. Praying can grant you both an instant favor boost, as well as a temporary favor gain rate increase.

Armour other than cloth armour slows down the rate of favor replenishment.


Sacrificing valuable items in an altar grants favor when you are below your favor maximum. If you are at max favor, it will instead add to the deed sacrifice bonuses.

A larger list of favor to quality ratios can be found on the Base Price page.

Quality required for 1 favour gained:

  • Cordage Rope: 22.36ql
  • Square Piece of Cloth: 31.16ql (22.36 for Fo)
  • Door lock: 31.16ql (22.36 for Mag)
  • Yoyo: 31.16ql (22.36 for Vyn)
