Libila is the evil, dark goddess of the Horde of the Summoned. Becoming a follower of this goddess will automatically mean joining her kingdom.
Her Channeling item is a gold or silver Statuette of Libila.
Game lore
Libila's converting speech
Look at you. Pitiful creature.
You seek the powers of the Whisperer? They may be available.
Know that I personally will not help you much. But I am bound to tell you that she will.
To tell the truth - She rewards me for recruiting you.
People say much about us. They think we lie. And yes we do. We lie about a lot of things, but not about the truth.
Truth is everything will end. Truth is some of us will be rewarded greatly by Her some day.
Libila will not accept her having been betrayed by the other gods. Your contract with her is to help her, and she will help you.
Her aim is to gain control here, and your goal is to stop the others from gaining it instead.
You are expected and required to use all effective means available: Terror, deception, torture, death, sacrifices.
Are you ready to join the Horde of the Summoned? Know that if you choose not to, you are against us!
Libila's inscription(Bone Altar)
Look at you. Pitiful creature.
You seek the powers of the Whisperer? They may be available.
I am the Hate and the Deceit, but know that I will help you much.
Know that I want revenge for the betrayal by the others. This is why the scythe is my symbol.
Become my tool and my weapon. Let me sharpen you, and let me run you through the heart of my enemies.
For this I will reward you greatly. You will be given powers beyond normal mortal possibilities.
Exact my revenge anywhere, anytime and anyhow. Make it painful and frightening.
Together, let us enter the Forbidden Lands. We are all in our right to do so!
Let us grow together, and throw our enemies into the void!
Are you ready to join the Horde of the Summoned? Know that if you choose not to, you are against me!
Libila's Sermon
You initiate the sermon by brandishing your scythe.
You clear your throat and evaluate your audience.
The rabble you have to deal with these days! Let's scare them into submission.
Clearly that didn't do the trick. More gore!
You explain how Libila is in the waning crescent and needs you to do a lot more for her so that she may manifest her powers.
Today you decide to suggest that they confess.
There are enemies of the faith and these must be stopped. You urge the flock to be vigilant, and wary of strangers and infidels.
You finish this sermon by yet again praising Libila and ask everyone to pray together with you.
Each God has slightly different abilities and penalties. See the Gods individual pages for details. Below lists only the abilities and penalties of Libila.
Libila followers abilities and penalties
(See the follower page for details on being a follower)
Follower abilities
- Followers of Libila can absorb Mycelium, healing a random wound for 7 damage. This consumes the Mycelium tile.
- The foodbar of followers of Libila will slowly be restored while standing on Mycelium. (Using Mycelium as your sole food source will leave you with a nutrition level of 98-99%)
- at 20 faith and with at least 20 favour receives a small experience gain in fight related skils of between 5 and 10% while in Libila's domain
- Can butcher human corpses without alignment penalty and recieve meats based on the corpse fat layer.
Follower penalties
- Followers cannot raise Faith above 30.
- Alignment penalties.
- Libila followers are generally less successful when Taming animals.
- Libila followers cannot bury corpses.
- Hots Members, Libila Followers & Priest on Chaos automatically converted to Freedom Isles and do not loose faith and alignment when entering freedom maps. When returning to chaos, they will automatically become HotS again and retain theirs villageship, and faith and alignment will be brought back.
- If you wish to priest as another faith on any of the other freedom servers, be sure to depriest there is a bug where you cant preist if your priested on chaos as Libila.
Libila priests abilities and penalties
(See the priest page for details on priest-hood)
- All Libila follower abilities and penalties.
- Ability to cast Libila spells (see below)
- Priests with high faith(60-70?) and favor are inspired in their deities favored terrains, and suffer less stamina drain there. Libila priests get this bonus on terrain covered in Mycelium.
- Archery
- Mine (Fo and Vynora priests cannot do this)
- Cut wood (Fo and Magranon priests cannot do this)
- Generic priest penalties.
- Cannot dig.
- Cannot farm.
- Cannot use gardening.
- Cannot tame.
- Cannot use alchemy.
- Cannot use catapult.
- Hots Members, Libila Followers & Priest on Chaos automatically converted to Freedom Isles and do not loose faith and alignment when entering freedom maps. When returning to chaos, they will automatically become HotS again and retain theirs villageship, and faith and alignment will be brought back.
- If you wish to priest as another faith on any of the other freedom servers, be sure to depriest there is a bug where you cant preist if your priested on chaos as Libila.
Libila champion abilities and penalties
(See the champion page for details on champion-hood)
- All Libila follower and Libila priest abilities (NOT the Priest penalties)
- +5 to all characteristics skills.
- Faith set to 99.99 (you can continue to pray & gain faith, but only at about 0.000010)
- Praying, channeling, exorcism all get 50+your original skill, up to a maximum of 80.
- You will get a new title: Champion of Libila(this title can not be turned off, but it does not effect other titles. So you can be a 'Blacksmith Champion of Libila' for example).
- You will lose your Champion status after you lose all your Champion points.
Spells are only available to priests and champions. You cannot raise your faith above 30 without becoming a priest.
Name | Level | Favor | Difficulty | Targets | Description | Notes |
Bless | 8 | 10 | 10 | Item, Creature | Adds a holy aura of purity. | Good for low skill channeling grinding, use on blank altars to bless them to Libila. |
Dispel | 10 | 10 | 20 | Tile, Item, Creature | Tries to dispel an effect on the target. | N/A |
Drain stamina | 10 | 20 | 20 | Creature | Drains stamina and adds to you. | N/A |
Drain Health | 19 | 15 | 20 | Creature | Creates internal wounds and heals you. | Seems to heal and deal tiny to mediocre amounts of damage. |
Phantasms | 20 | 10 | 10 | Creature | Target sees illusions. | Creates possibly random types of blue "dying" mobs within 3 tiles of the target over time which are immobile, deal damage and cannot be killed. Can be improved with recast and seems to last longer with more power, reportedly ~1.5 minutes at 60 power. |
Nolocate | 22 | 15/60 | 10 | Creature, Item | Hides you from locate spells. | N/A |
Web armour | 25 | 35 | 60 | Item | May slow down creatures hitting you. | N/A |
Libila's shielding | 27 | 30 | 30 | Item | Counters libila's demise enchant | Formerly known as Libila's Scale |
Truehit | 30 | 10 | 15 | Creature | Increases chance to hit. | N/A |
Dark Messenger | 30 | 30 | 40 | Item | Tricks evil spirits to inhabit the target. | Cast on mailboxes to make them function. |
Bloodthirst | 31 | 50 | 60 | Item | Increases damage. | N/A |
Lurker in the dark | 31 | 30 | 60 | Item | Locates enemies. | Can only be cast on a pendulum, but makes it useless for water divining. |
Fungus Trap | 33 | 23 | 20 | Tile | The mycelium obeys you and attacks. | N/A |
Fungus | 33 | 26 | 30 | Tile | Turns tiles to mycelium. | Creates a 3x3 area of Mycelium from grass and dirt tiles, can be cast on deep underwater tiles. |
Rotting Touch | 33 | 40 | 60 | Item | Target causes rotting wounds, but takes more damage. | Can only be cast on weapons; causes an infected wound but weapon takes more damage. |
Rotting gut | 35 | 10 | 10 | Creature | Causes a rotting gut wound. | N/A |
Worm Brains | 35 | 30 | 40 | Creature | Causes a rotting brain wound. | N/A |
Vessel | 38 | 5 | 70 | Item | Stores favor in a gem. | N/A |
Pain rain | 40 | 40 | 20 | Tile | Causes rotting wounds in an area. | N/A |
Scorn of Libila | 40 | 40 | 60 | Tile | Damages enemies and heals friends. | N/A |
Weakness | 40 | 50 | 40 | Creature | Removes one fifth of a creatures strength. | N/A |
Rebirth | 40 | 40 | 40 | Item | Raises zombies from corpses. | Zombies count as pets. |
Break altar | 40 | 80 | 50 | Item | N/A | Destroys normal altars and can damage the Bone Altar and Altar of Three. |
Selfhealer's demise | 41 | 40 | 40 | Item | Higher crit chance against regenerating creatures. | N/A |
Animal's demise | 43 | 40 | 50 | Item | Higher crit chance against animals. | N/A |
Fo's demise | 45 | 40 | 20 | Item | Higher crit chance against Fo followers. | N/A |
Hell strength | 45 | 60 | 40 | Creature | May double strength. | Assuming strength is capped at 99. |
Magranon's demise | 46 | 40 | 50 | Item | Higher crit chance against followers of Magranon. | N/A |
Vynora's demise | 47 | 40 | 50 | Item | Higher crit chance against followers of Vynora. | N/A |
Rite of Death | 50 | 300 | 60 | Item | Draw life from enemies that are close to Libila domain and spreads [Mycelium] to tiles within the domain of Libila, causing a small internal wound. | N/A |
Zombie infestation | 50 | 120 | 70 | Tile | Summons your best friends | One of three spells that priests must link together to cast, assuming it raises multiple zombies from corpses in an area. |
Blessings of the dark | 51 | 70 | 60 | Item | Increases skill gain and speed. | Assuming this is a combination of CoC and WoA. |
Dragon's demise | 51 | 50 | 50 | Item | Higher crit chance against dragons. | N/A |
Human's demise | 61 | 60 | 80 | Item | Higher crit chance against humans. | N/A |
Land of the dead | 70 | 300 | 70 | Tile , Item | Summons the souls of the deceased. | Rolf stated he intends this spell only to be cast once a month if even that, and that it is a "mass raise". |
Locate Artifact | 80 | 70 | 70 | Tile | Locates hidden artifacts. | N/A |
Disintegrate | 70 | 80 | 70 | Tile | Destroys rock | Destroy rocktile, also work to destroy reinforced tile in some conditions. |
Strongwall | 70 | 70 | 70 (0) | Tile | Reinforce or spawn rock | Changes open cave tiles to rock tiles, or reinforces rock tiles. Always succeeds. Doesn't appear on spell list. |