Category:Ingame Help
NOTE: Ingame help pages are no longer being maintained as they are already so far out of date, and the Wurm client will soon have an update to the UI which will include a better integrated wiki system
The client has limited support for Wiki markup (it only supports the <br> HTML tag) currently so please just use plain text in these pages. (no breadcrumbs, linking to relevant articles, etc.)
If you make an article, please add [[Category:Ingame Help]] to it. It will automagically show up here. To further expand the Babel, please add [[Category:Babel/First Letter of the Article]] as well.
To see a list of the pages in a given namespace, select any of the following :
Astrology Creature Item Player Religion Skills Structure Terrain Wound
Note - The client also accesses Floor:... pages, but we don't have a namespace set up yet.
Pages in category "Ingame Help"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.