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Main / Items / Corpse



A corpse is the result of the death of NPCs, creatures, tower guards, players, rift creatures, and uniques.


  • A corpse is used for (and left after) butchering.
  • Burying a corpse gives a small amount of digging skill and if the corpse is a player then burying it can increase alignment by 1 point. A dirt tile must be least three dirts above rock or water at each corner to allow burying, and the player must use a shovel to do so. Burial of a corpse on a rock tile requires using a pickaxe instead.
  • Corpses decay relatively quickly unless inside a cave. Once it has decayed, any items on the corpse will form a pile of items.
  • Corpses may be also buried beneath a gravestone.
  • Corpses cannot be renamed.
  • Corpses cannot be mailed.


See Also