Adamir has the brand of Valhalla. He is a Valhallian, Vynorian follower of war his aim is to look after the life of the innocent and the spirit of the free
Adamir is a Terraformer - He currently is working on making a large scale city expanding from the Valhallan village
Adamir is now the Vynora priest alt of Sgtscum
Main Atributes
Fine carpenter
Played on all maps execpt one Before wurm went Gold
Nothing good in my noob days sorry to say, except calling Queenie names. Regreted that
Gold one
I introduced MADT into the game and we built a small village like undeeded place to our selves and had a fight over putting a plank in the fire, lol no i didnt put Madt in the fire. Later on that year i became a little tired on Wurm so went on a break. I rejoined at the begining on Map 2 as cabal which was outlawed and then robbie who later permadied, But at last had my main guy with premium and great skills Adamir.
Criminal Record
Former OUTLAW, Made a Outlaw as a result of the Seige on Old town he and a friend and tore down there walls and destroyed there crops for the reason of two mens dispute which escalated into a war between a man and his friends and a leader and his followers.