Wurm is developed and staffed by a team of employees and volunteers. Please refer to the [https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/4976-wurm-online-staff/ forum list] for the most up to date list.
==Developers=====The founding developers===
Wurm Online was originally created by [[User:Rolf|Rolf Janssen]] (Rolf) and [[User:Notch|Markus Persson]] (Notch). Up until 2007 Notch and Rolf continued to work together on the game; developing the client and server sides respectively. In 2007 Notch retired, but Rolf continued working on the game and created the Client Development Team to continue improving the client.
'''Developers''' (DEV) (Development team for Wurm Online and Wurm Unlimited)
* Ausimus
* [[User:Budda|Budda]] - Product Manager
* Darklords
* [[User:Keenan|Keenan]] - Code Manager
* Meiyeeer
* Pandalet
* Samool - Client DeveloperProduct Manager
* Saroman - Art Director
* Taufiq - Payment Systems Manager