*Vegetables are [[corn]] or [[potato]] or [[onion]] or [[pumpkin]]
*Meat is [[meat]], [[fillets of meat]], [[fish]] or [[fillets of fish]] (but do not mix meat and fish as that reduces the meal to a stew)
*Filler is [[bread]], [[cheese]]
*2x means 2 different kinds of that item.
[[User:Aeris|Aeris]] 20:00, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
* [[Meat]] + [[Corn]] or [[Potato]] = 27 difficulty
* [[Meat]] + [[Onion]] + Anything except [[Corn]]/[[Potato]] = 28 difficulty
* [[Meat]] + [[Bread]]/[[Pumpkin]] + [[Onion]]/[[Herb]] = 28 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]]/[[Bread]] = 30 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]]/[[Bread]] + [[Foraging|Forageble]] = 30 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]] + [[Bread]]/[[Corn]]/[[Pumpkin]]/[[Potato]] + [[Herb]] = 32 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]]/[[Potato]] + [[Potato]]/[[Corn]]/[[Grain]]/Olives/[[Bread]] = 33 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Seed]] + Another [[Seed]]/[[Olives]]/[[Bread]] = 33 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Bread]]+ [[Onion]]/[[Dough]]/[[Flour]]/[[Pumpkin]] + [[Herb]] /[[Onion]] (if not used) = 35 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]]/[[Bread]] + [[Foraging|Forageble]]/[[Cheese]]/[[Dough]]/[[Flour]] + [[Herb]]/[[Onion]] (if not used) = 35 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Bread]]+ [[Cheese]]/[[Onion]]/[[Dough]]/[[Flour]]/[[Olives]]/[[Pumpkin]] = 36 difficulty* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]]/[[Bread]] + [[Foraging|Foragables]] + Another [[Foraging|Foragable]] = 37 difficulty
* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]] + [[Corn]] + [[Potato]] + [[Onion]] = 39 difficulty
* [[Meat]] + [[Pumpkin]] + [[Corn]] + [[Potato]] = 40 difficulty