'''Brown Bear Cove ''' is a small half-deeded town located on the Home Server about 20 minutes North of NT.
Named after the horrifying amount of Brown Bears that were in the place when we first arrived, Brown Bear Cove now has a total of 3 inhabitants.
Brown Bear Cove is currently trying to save up for a size 10 village deed which costs 100 silver to buy!
As such, any donations are greatly accepted.
'''Screenshots:'''[[Image:http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/6130/townss1wa3.png|left|thumb|170px|The Community Shed.]]
[[ImageAbove:ExampleThe Community Shed.jpg]] http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/4114/townss4uc7.png Above: MainCorpse's House http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/7526/townss2xx5.png Above: Surplusxmas's House
Surplusxmas's House
Tigiot's House
[[ImageAbove:Tigiot's House http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/9953/townss3kq3.png]] Above: Unfinished guard tower with our cave to the left.