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67 bytes added, 23:59, 17 June 2007
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==About Me.==
I started of many maps ago as the unkown nikral where i lived by myself for my first mapThen on my second map I joined gibbo in Sin City :).Then my second third map came along where i lived with people i bumped into and decided to follow [[Fo]] the great godess, also that map I got my first beating from a [[Black Lighter|Black Lighter]] :D.
Third map of mine and I legally change my name to the all known leahcim, this was my first account as both a [[White Lighter]] and a [[Blacklighter]], thus meating the kind people like [[User:Fusspawn|Fusspawn]] and [[User:Haven|Haven]] in the flesh :)
==My Top 5 Skills.==
These skills are constantly updated every ever week.
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