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220 bytes added, 21:39, 16 May 2010
no edit summary
== Description ==
''A delicate tree sprout, picked from with a treefew tender leaves.''
A [[tree]] sprout, picked from a tree. It is named after the tree type. The quality of a planted sprout seems to influence the [[quality]] of the tree, once it is felled. Also, the amount of [[damage]] seem to have an influence on the chance of successfully planting the sprout. The quality of the sprout also seems to affect growth speed. A 62ql : a 62 QL one matured much faster than a 1ql 1 QL one.
== Method ==
# * Active a [[sickle]], right-click a tree and select 'Pick sprout'. '' Only mature to very old trees form sprouts. Note that not all trees have sproutseven then (e. You g. if somebody has already picked it), so you might need to check several to have the option. The option to pick a sprout refreshes periodically, every couple of weeks, or sometimes at server restarts. ''
== Uses ==


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