Each item has a potency. A healing cover has potency equal to the two components' potency multiplied together. The potency of a healing cover made of black mushroom (5) and tooth (4) will thus be 5*4 = 20.
5 : Black Mushroom, Gland, Twisted Unicorn Horn4 : Tooth, Rosemary, Green Mushroom, Lovage, Rosemary, Tooth3 : sageBlue Mushroom, nettlesCamelia, eyeEye, yellow mushroomNettles, blue mushroomSage, cameliaYellow Mushroom2 : Paw, HoofAcorns, Barley, SassafrasBladder, Brown Mushroom, Garlic, TailHoof, Lavender, BladderLemon, AcornsPaw, LavenderSassafras, LemonTail1 : RoseCorn, Onion, Parsley, Pumpkin, WheatRose, CornWemp plant, OnionWheat
|style="text-align:center; background-color:#33CC33;" rowspan="3" | 5
| [[Black mushroom]]
| [[Gland]]
| [[Twisted unicorn horn|Unicorn Twisted horn]]
| [[Gland]]
| style="text-align:center; background-color:#79A526;" rowspan="4"| 4